Response 11

Abortion have become the norm in some parts of the world and to that extent the United States. It’s also being frowned on by some individuals and group of people. Some of this notions and theories that they depend on to debunk abortion is mostly religious or on some moral and ethical basis which includes the killing of a fetus which is a baby and also it being a sin as described by the Bible, the word of God. It still doesn’t stop others or warrant them from engaging in such a practice, among these people that abort babies both the doctors and the patients, there’s several reasons for such a cause.

Some undertake such an act simply because it’s their body and they have every right to do anything of will to it. They also go on to argue that it’s their right to have a say in what goes on in their life and to that effect their right to use their body to their own want and need and doesn’t require permission from anyone before aborting a baby. Others also give the reason of they not wanting to have a baby at that particular period of time because it’s unwanted. This could be because of personal notions like plans, others would say it’s not something they agreed upon but happened out of the blue. Others argue that it was a mistake that they got pregnant because they were either not ready or they didn’t know they were pregnant until some days and that they needed to get rid of it.

Abortion thus have around it series of issues from social to religious and political as well. Aside from the legalization of abortion to accommodate those that didn’t plan it, and might feel it was a mistake and have genuine reasons to abort the unplanned child and also to facilitate the legitimacy of the doctor or medical officer undertaking the process, it’s normal for such societies to understand what was at stake and why they did what they did. In places where discrimination is relatively high and more religious folks tend to out weigh others, they frown on abortion because of the moral prejudices that comes with it. They say it’s a sin and ethically wrong to engage in such an act. It’s also very assuring that we see advocates especially coming from the church faction or christian faction engaging individuals who are going to abort babies to try and convince them on changing their minds and considering not going to undertake the abortion. They believe it’s murder and equivalent to killing children because the fetus can be considered a human being as well with a soul and deserves to be given the chance to live because God has a plan for him and his or her life. Abortion to others might not be seen as harmful because of the effects that it might have on the subject like death through excessive bleeding and some psychological effects later on. Others might cope well because it’s an informed decision and would stand by their choice regardless.

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