Response 1

Over the years people try confusing feminism with the likes of gender and sex. It’s very true indeed that , we can’t simply do away with the terms involved but sexism or sexes , that is the genetic make up of being a male or female and gender which refers to a social construct dealing with the roles played by men or women actually do come together to explain what exactly is meant by feminism. We can’t also dissociate the fact that it’s mainly women in the mainstream among those pushing for feminist actions one way or the other but on the other hand that shouldn’t be the case. We get to realize women normally go all the way to push for gender equality , trying to bridge the gap that have been created in society in terms of males dominating the system one way or the other. It’s very much important that we understand that the main reason women are seen in the scene combating male dominance is relatively because of patriarchy. The main interesting part of these made women feel very uncomfortable that they are being limited and persuaded to disregard any form of retaliation against male dominance. Women were made to succumb and follow suit to men always secondary when it comes to leadership positions especially in politics. Revolution were led and people especially women who felt the need to combat such crisis made it a head way to accomplish a goal to be on an equal forum and level with other men. Another important faction of all this happens to be the black feminism or black feminists who fought for equality after realizing the series of racial abuses they faced when they try to propagate something on their own. It became their mainstream that even pushed further the idea that women literally are the mainstream of feminism but it shouldn’t be the case for feminism, just like gender, should be a conception and shouldn’t be only characterized to sexes, but sometimes about the depiction of the social construct on the issues of roles played. Equity and equality happens to now be the mainstream of the works of feminists over the past few years. It’s rather important that we explain so everyone understands that feminism is for everybody and everyone has their role to play one way or the other. Things or responsibilities like taking care of children, doing some domestic house chores like cooking and cleaning shouldn’t be the explanations that should or must be leveled for feminism deducing their functions in societies to such a lower pace. It’s acceptable also that largely, women do have a more advanced behavior that makes it easy to naturally tally them as feminists yet there’s a slight line that means feminism should be a social construct that would accommodate all persons. Women thus took to politics to cement their spot and take their rightful space as con-equals and shouldn’t be undermined because being a woman by sex doesn’t mandate anyone to be limited and fall short because of the likes of patriarchy.

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