Response 10

It’s a very delicate matter to tackle when the context is been drawn to identity politics. With no definite explanation to what it means, observations have been made that shows such instances where one makes up an identity politically. In the States, identity politics is largely based on sexes and race. Without much taken from the context, typical Americans won’t only discriminate on racial grounds but a social construct of sex where patriarchy rules the system and white conservatives on racial basis are seen to be the superior and most fit to govern. Based on the Cambahee River Collective Statement which surfaced in 1977 which was deliberately developed by black feminists, identity politics which was taking out women participation especially that of black women from the mainstream politics of the States was then frowned upon by the statement and critically fought against.

In view of this, it’s become like a war that need to be hard fought not only on races and gender but now on psychological and mental basis. Blacks are cast out and women limited, Latino and Hispanics are now also considered not worthy of any position in the political scene as its believed only white conservatives are capable and deservingly the best to be in such positions of the State. This political identity originated when typical White People decided to be racial in order to serve only to the best interest of people of their own kind and to that effect white women which indirectly sidelines and deprives blacks and Latinos from any privilege whatsoever that is being enjoyed by the whites themselves.

Political identity shouldn’t be anything that should separate people and create factions in societies. It rather should foster unity and tolerance, it should be a way by which different groups of people should relate with each other by respecting each other’s views and formulating policies that would affect each other positively because it’s the only way for harmonious living in a society. It should be a bridge between the gap created on racial, sex and gender basis. It’s important to understand that society is at peace if we don’t create enemies among ourselves, discriminating which tends to fracture the relationships we develop should be eliminated. It should be our way of understanding things that would define our identities politically. Inasmuch as we tend to have different ideologies and support different political parties, it’s reasonable that we come together as one to build countries one way or the other.

To some extent we are not only creating political identities on the grounds of races and gender but now to an extent we do it per religious affiliations. This means and ways of attribution is solely based on our belief systems and this then makes it extremely difficult for to do away with the problems that is being created by certain identity politics. It’s our duty to understand and accept people’s view on issues while we accept their affiliations not only to religion but also accept the fact that others are males or females and others being white, black or Latino without any form of discrimination.

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