Feminist actions were taken in previous times across the globe which became rampant in the states for equality where women are considered befitting to also hold positions in the political realm and have a career in the scene. This fight have now been centered on whites mainly leaving out any Black person whatsoever, women who are black started fighting for a space within this arena within the 1960s. In the phase of fighting for what they wanted, they categorized it into four distinct yet connected times. The first step is the genesis of contemporary Black feminism. In the beginning, white rule was very dominant and to this extent we couldn’t even have males that are black representing themselves let alone having their women participating in politics. Over the years, a gradual change have made it possible for us to eliminate this mindset of white dominance and to see women who are black as fit to also hold portfolios in the government and have their say when it comes to politics. In 1973, National Black Feminist Organization was formed to champion the cause to have black women have equality, equity and breaking the chain of sexual violence anytime they want an office. They then formulated some important policies for themselves that came in handy for them to break the scene and make an impact.
The second aspect have to do with “What we believe”. It’s more of a mental notion that is to make an impact and that is for us to believe in what we need and want. Black feminists believed that they’re worth a lot and under no circumstance are they below the standard that have been set for them. They believed that together they could make an impact one way or the other, they knew it was very much important that they stand firm and together so they could achieve the aim of being the full realized version of their capabilities in politics. After bridging the gap in some aspects like speech where it’s believed that our tongue had in it a language that is profane and insultive and doesn’t qualify us to have a role to play in the public sphere. It’s very much important now that we come to realize that we have a notion that we black women are not worth anything according to the whites which is their reason for keeping us out have now come to strategize and beat that mindset into appearing in the scene. We know we can and as such have started the socialist doctrine which would have to benefit everyone regardless skin color.
The third and fourth phase is the problems in organizing Black feminists, including a brief herstory of our collective; and Black feminist issues and practice. The defeats that came from the phase where the establishment of the black feminists surfaced were many and very much heavy. They had to not only deal with racism of they being black and get assaulted or verbally abused but have to suffer on basis of gender and sexes as well because of patriarchy. This then instilled fear into some people and made them disperse to avoid any form of oppression one way or the other leading to a drastic decrease in their numbers. This was so much problematic because the numbers were needed for everything to in plan and without them, the work would seem useless.
In the final aspect of it, they then achieved a great deal of success later on as they became stronger. After gaining popularity and a little bit of power from the general public, they then shot into addressing the issues of gender inequality and patriarchy and later moved to address racism to the brim. It was thanks to their collective efforts especially in 1974 that have led to a massive impact that bridged that long gap stopping black women becoming who and what they want to be especially in the political arena.