Betty Friedan was a journalist, activist, and co-founder of the National Organization for Women. She was one of the early leaders of the women’s rights movement. She published The Feminine Mystique on February 19,1963. The book inspired the modern feminist movement in the United States. In our excerpts, she described the pervasive dissatisfaction among women in the post World War II. She also talks about the historical causes of female unhappiness. Many housewives were not satisfied with their lives, but they had difficulty expressing their feelings. She said” The problem lay buried, unspoken, for many years in the minds of Americans women “ And” It was a strange stirring, a sense of dissatisfaction, a yearning that women suffered in the middle of the twentieth century in the United States” At this time all women shared the same problem, but “the problem that has no name”
After World War II, the only dream of women was to be a perfect wife for their husbands, they wanted to take care of their husbands, see their husbands happy, they wanted to take care of their homes. They had no desire for higher education, careers, or political voice, but they were satisfied with their domestic work. For example, the snapshot of Sadira Mohammed shows us this example when the woman says “ I don’t need right- I have a Kitchen” .Woman was seen as a “ human being” but among those women there were others women who want to be poets, or physicists. So women started to fight for her liberation., to solve the problem. So she said” It is ridiculous to tell girls to keep quiet when they enter a new friend, or an old one, so the men will not notice they are there.”
In the video Melissa Harris-Perry said her mother balanced domestic work and her career. Her mother In her own raised two daughters. Today we see many professional women who care about her family and about her work.
In the “The politics of Housework “ Pat Mainardi talks about the issue that most men see housework as a woman’s job. She says housework is not only assigned to women , but for both men and women.In the passage she uses her own husband. As an example. “I don’t mind sharing the work, but you’ll have to show me how to do it.” It seems like men cannot do anything without women.” Man’s accomplishments have always depended on getting help from other people, mostly women.” I liked these sentences from Pat Mainardi “ participatory democracy begins at home. ” If you are planning to implement your politics, there are certain things to remember ” outside they talk about democracy, the libre expression, but at home they are only the one who decides.
The Myth of the vaginal orgasm by Anne Koedt said that the clitoris is the center of sexual sensitivity. We can also see the male dominance and female subordination “ Men also seem suspiciously aware of the clitoral powers during”foreplay” When they want to arouse women, and produce the necessary lubrication for penetration. We see that men dominate everywhere.