Response 6

When I first saw the title”One Hundred Years toward Suffrage” by E. Susan Barber I laughed. I laughed because hundreds of years for the suffrage I say why people have to spend all these years for  women’s rights. Women are also human. I was asking myself many questions without getting an answer. This started with Abigail where she wrote to her husband John, asking that her husband and other men to “Remember the Ladies “ . These three words mean a lot. I think she wanted to say that women are also part of the country. Her husband was there for the Declaration of Independence. Independence means freedom. So if independence means being free women also want to be free, to be considered as members who can vote, give their opinion, and express themselves. That is why she said to her husband women are there, remember the women. I did some research about her. I found that she was one of the strongest female voices in the American Revolution for women’s rights. because she was a key political advisor to her husband. She fought for women’s equal education and women’s property rights. She wanted women to have the same rights as men. She was not the only one who fought for women’s rights. There were many other women like Lucretia Mott, an American Quaker, abolitionist, and women’s rights activist. She was amongst the women excluded from a membership in earlier anti- slavery organizations in 1837 because she was a woman. Also Harriet Tubman born into slave who fight for women’s rights and the abolition of slavery. She helps many slaves to freedom. In 1852 Lucretia Mott wrote “ Discourse on Women “ She wanted women to be educated because she said women are viewed as inferior because of the lack of educational opportunities. Women are less educated than men. Several women fight for women’s rights including Ida B. Wells-Barnett. In the video, “Untold Stories of Black Women in the Suffrage Movement’, Ida B. Well-Barnett fought for women’s rights. She was  born during the civil war into slavery in 1862. She was a prominent journalist, activist and researcher in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. She was

also the founder of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. She fought for sexism, racism and violence. She also fought to establish women’s rights, the right for all women to vote. She wanted justice not only for black people, but for all women black and white. She established the first black kindergarten, organized black women. She fought for the antilynching crusade in the United States in 1891 because her friend was lynched in Memphis in 1892.  She won a Pulitzer Prize”for her outstanding and courageous reporting on the horrific and vicious violence against African Americans during the era of lynching”

All these fights, and efforts of women had a favorable result. In 1919, the 19th amendment passed by congress and ratified. In 1920, the 19th amendment guaranteed all American women the right to vote. 

I think all the work that the women did was very important because women need fundamental human rights. 

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