An activist is a person who campaigns to bring a changement in a community, politics or society. An activist also supports strong action or opposition to one side. For example, someone who fights about environmental issues. He can tell people to reduce the amount of water, electricity or gas. An activist uses powerful speeches about the ways people need to take care of the environment.
We have different types of activism. Activism is the way people use to demonstrate their complaints. People can protest about something they do not like. Such as boycotts , letter writing and petitions. People also can use social media campaigns to protest.
There are the most famous activists who have shaped progressive change around the world. Such as Gloria Steinem, she is a feminist leader and activist who published numberless essays and several books on feminism and women’s right. We also have George Orwell who uses his fiction writing to expose society.
Our lecture “ How To Think Like An Activist” shows us the different steps an activist uses to change the word. Like in the documentary “ Knock Down the House”. This documentary talks about four female candidates about the position in the House of Representatives. All candidates are democrats and fight for justice. They want to give hope to people, they want to fight for change, for better change, about health care which is very important in our life. Among these four female Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is a powerful activist. She worked hard, to get what she wanted, what people needed.
An activist uses some strategies, the plans. To be a good activist you have to be focused on what you want, on what you are fighting. You have to fight for a changement. You have to fight for good. Help people, but not for your interest. A good activist fight for all the people. A good activist must learn how to be eye open. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez shows us all of these examples about an activist. That is why she won the competition. Like Malala Yousafzai who fights for women’s rights. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her activism in 2014. We have many activists who continue to fight for the changement.