Response 4

I found both readings very interesting, they both really helped to clarify the points of oppression I questioned. Patriarchy the System by Allan Johnson went deep into detail about where oppression really came from. Oppression is not an individual matter but a social one. It really has to do with the way institutes continue to perpetuate ideas into the minds of growing generations. The article states “The oppression of women happened because men want and like to dominate women and act hostility towards them. There is poverty and class oppression because people in upper classes are greedy, heartless and cruel.” I was thrilled to know that this problem is something people are starting to see from the source. If schools, movies, households, religion so many other institutes, did not teach impressionable minds about gender roles and this is for boys and that is for girls; in fact, the whole gender thing because gender is used to label and control, none of the oppression that exist today would. If gender roles were not a thing along with the importance of skin color, oppression would not exist in my opinion. Why is gender and race so important to this society? Why do I have to specify my gender and race in the beginning of each form or survey I fill out? the article spoke about a scenario of a college guy taking advantage of a drunk girl at a party. It states he knows what he is doing is wrong, but he does it anyways. This made me think of the sickening phrase “boys will be boys.” This phrase again is said by schools and by parents and relatives when a boy does something wrong but, society brushes if off likes its no big deal. When I use to work in a day care, there was this little boy who use to crawl under the tables and look under the dresses of all the dolls in the play area. I would always tell him not to do it because it is wrong and when I asked where he learned it, he said his brother. The head teacher laughed and “said boys will be boys” I was so disappointed to see a grown women see nothing wrong with his action. Yes, he was a toddler and was only following his brother, but it was still a wrong action. Let’s not talk about the toys for boys and girls, all boy toys have to do with weapons and cars, and girl toys are baby dolls and fashion. If social institutes stop normalizing these issues oppression would not be as big on any issue. Then there is the rich people gatekeeping all the secrets to wealth as if, if they share them, money will run out. Then there is the argument that if everyone is rich money will lose its value. Money again is the cause of class oppression, why do we need a piece of paper to tell us the value of something or to buy something. Money and capitalism are huge problems in the world, but the same idea that goes for gender oppression goes for class oppression. If we stop as a whole teaching gender roles and identify everything as genderfluid and teach that no matter your gender you can be and do what you want. Oppression of gender would not exist. And if we all stop working and protested capitalism, money and the social hierarchies will die because they need us working to exist. The post be Erika Jimenez, is my point exactly. Erika’s post shows a group of people caught in a web being held be a white man wearing a suit. This image truly highlights how capitalism treats us, as we are the food caught on the web, we are the source that fuels them. If we were not caught in the web capitalism would die from starvation. Both articles were words for thought.

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