Response 4

The author Allan G. Johnson talks about  the patriarchy and how it affects the both sex, men and women. He encourages people to fight for gender equality and also combating the patriarchy. In page 41 paragraph 5 line from line 2 to 6, he says Since the thing we are participating in is patriarchal, we tend to behave in ways that create a patriarchal world from one moment to the next. But we have some freedom to break the rules and construct everyday life in different ways, which means the paths we choose to follow can do as much to change patriarchy as they can to perpetuate it.” Like Allan G. Johnson, Audre Lorde also says both sex are subject of oppression. From “There Is No Hierarchy of Oppression “ she says that: “ From my membership in all of these groups I have learned that oppression and the intolerance of difference come in all shapes and sexes and colors and sexualities; and that among those of us who share the goals of liberation and a workable future for our children, there can be no hierarchies of oppression. I have learned that sexism and heterosexist both arise from the same source as racism “ It means when we talk about patriarchy or oppression men, and women  are included.

When I pushed my research I found that it is not all the writers who believe that both sexes are marginalized.  People think that women are subject to oppression, they are marginalized by society.  And we know that oppression is a form of indoctrination that some people use to control or oppress other people. People who are oppressed are not encouraged to critically think for themselves and are regarded as ignorant. They are not allowed to form their own opinions and beliefs and can only accept their oppressors’ beliefs as the final say and authority. On this aspect of oppression many women write about. 

Mona Eltahawy, an Egyptian American journalist and feminist activist. Her goal is to stop patriarchy. Mona Eltahawy shows us that men want to dominate everywhere, want to

oppress their subjects. She says,” Patriarchy is like an octopus and each one of its eight tentacles is one of the oppressions that privilege male dominance”  I think that patriarchy is universal, everywhere. Patriarchy is in every country, in America, Japan, Saudi Arabia, France, Congo, Ivory Coast . We can find patriarchy in all of this nation. Patriarchy is like oxygen, everywhere, men can not live without this way of dominating. It is innate. Sometimes people tend to point to another country, but patriarchy is right there next to them. Also,  Gloria E. Anzaldua, an American scholar a queer Chicana poet, writer and feminist theorist  encourages women not to be silent. She says”Write with your eyes like painters, with your ears like musicians, with your feet like dancers. You are the truthsayer with quill and torch. Write with your tongues of fire. Don’t let the pen banish you from yourself. Don’t let the ink coagulate in your pen. Don’t let the censor snuff out the spark, nor the gags muffle your voice, Put your shit on the paper.” She wants women to speak out because women are often removed from  society, criticize.

Women are seen as a baby making machine. They are there just to have children and nothing else.In some society women are rejected. They are oppressed. The legendary woman Audre Lorde talks about the multiple oppressions on her book “Sister Outsider” Audre Lorde was a black lesbian poet who works very hard about intersectional feminism. She says that” Women of color in America have grown up within a symphony of anger at being silenced, at being unchosen, at knowing that when we survive, it is in spite of a world that takes for granted our lack of humanness, and which hates our very existence outside of its service. And I say symphony rather than cacophony because we have had to learn to orchestrate those furies so that they do not tear us apart.” In this quote Audre Lorde shows us the multiple oppressions. These multiple oppressions like the tentacles of the octopus of Mona Eltahawy press women from marginalized communities.

One thought on “Response 4

  1. Brianne Waychoff

    I don’t think the authors are saying that all sexes are subject to oppression when we are talking about gender-based oppression. I think what they are saying is that people of all sexes are part of this system of oppression. For example, while women are oppressed by patriarchy, they also participate in it. A quick example could be the way bathrooms are set up in many places, including BMCC. Most of us use the bathroom that corresponds with the gender we were assigned at birth. The binary gendering of bathrooms is a product of patriarchy. So in that way we are participating in the system. I hope that makes sense. I am happy to discuss it with you more.

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