Snapshot 4


The beautiful world around and here I am in the cage,

The beautiful thoughts around and here I am dumb,

The beautiful happenings around and here I am blind,

Why? Because I am a woman.

I am taught to be quiet,

I am taught to be blind,

I am taught to be dumb,

Why? Because I am a woman

I am the one who is raped,

I am the one who is the victim of acid attack,

I am the one who is the victim of domestic violence,

I am the who is subjected to all inhuman practices,

I am the one who is taught to be quiet.

Why? Because I am a woman.

The world is calling me,

The world is calling me to speak,

The world is calling me to hear,

The world is calling me to see

But still, I can’t move on,

I can’t walk, talk, see or hear,

Why? Because I am a woman,

Because I am a materialistic thing,

Because I am a victim of patriarchy.

Sneha Nehra

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