I found this week’s readings to be captivating and powerful. As a person who belongs to multiple groups, I found myself nodding my head in agreement throughout the reading of “There Is No Hierarchy of Oppressions” by Audre Lorde. In the reading “Patriarchy, the System” by Allan Johnson he uses more of an educational approach instead of past readings where authors gave off “this is the problem and these people are to blame for this problem” type of message. While both approaches get the message across to readers, I agree with Johnson’s approach.
In the first reading “Patriarchy, the System” by Allan Johnson, the author discusses how the word “Patriarchy” is seen as an insult towards men because women seem to support this statement that men hold the power. I happen to agree that part of the reason change is slow, is because we like to blame others. When we shouldn’t be fighting each other we should be fighting the real issue which is what johnson explains. Johnson explains to achieve change we need to clear up and understand the confusion of patriarchy as a society and those who participate in it. Throughout the reading, he explains where society’s thinking affects us all. There is much to consider, our thought process, society, questioning society/patriarchy, etc. I found “Patriarchy, the System” to be quite educational where it makes the reader stop and think about their own lives. Making us wonder what we have done to change this patriarchal system. Or if we are just living by in this system that we are accustomed to. As Johnson says, “the path of least resistance.” In Fawzina Jack’s snapshot she shows a picture where there’s a picture of a woman and a man and a dice with an equal or unequal sign. The picture is showing the person(the people) with power is rolling the dice. There can be gender equality but it takes work. Essentially Allan Johnson is educating us and showing us what we need to do to achieve gender equality. And the answer is to fight the patriarchy.
In the second reading “There Is No Hierarchy of Oppressions” Audre Lorde, started off by identifying the groups/communities she is in and explaining she hopes to have a livable future with the groups she identifies with. I completely applaud her bluntness, there have been too many targeted attacks on groups (Black community/POC, LGBTQ community) and nobody addresses the fear we have to live in. Most of the time it is anger or frustration. Lorde continues by explaining how each group she identifies with works together in her life. She points out that each group she identifies with struggles. She can’t win within each group she is in. She says, “Within the lesbian community I am Black, and within the Black community I am a lesbian.” By the end, Lorde’s message is that each group/community is linked and a person can not live a life where they are not oppressed as one group but are oppressed by the other. I found her reading extremely powerful and emotional. I identify as Hispanic, so when I am outside, let’s say driving I don’t feel the fear/oppression of possibly dying if I were to get pulled over. However, I also identify as an interracial couple (like Lorde) and I do feel the fear/oppression of my significant other’s life always on the line, and that takes a toll on me. I completely see the message Lorde is trying to get across and I agree.