3 thoughts on “Maya Angelou “I Know why the Caged Bird Sings” poem excerpt

  1. Heatherlee

    I love the idea of the birds being symbolic to woman because birds are delicate, strong, and resilient. As well as human kind have abused, and caged these beautiful creatures, like woman for centuries have been caged into marriages and abused sexuality, mentally, physically, and emotionally.

  2. Brianne Waychoff

    I like to share this poem in class with these readings. I’m glad you picked it and I hope the readings gave you a deeper understanding of both cages and birds 🙂 There is an incredible play that I have loved for over 25 years. It’s called Trifles and it is by Susan Glaspell. It is a one-act play and a short read and the bird metaphor is just fantastic in it. It was first performed in 1916! Here is a link if you are interested: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/10623/10623-h/10623-h.htm

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