Response 2

After reading “Beyond the Gender Binary” I have learned a lot about gender fluidity that I did not know before. This reading has definitely opened up my eyes on how cruel this world can be to those who are just trying to be themselves. It really left me shocked reading about some of the tragic things they face throughout their day to day life. It makes me wonder why the people in this world can’t just accept everyone for who they are and respect the decisions they make with their life, since what they choose to do really doesn’t affect them.

On page 13/14, Alok says “Most of this conversation has little to do with the everyday experience of non binary people and gender non conforming people but a lot more airtime is given to other people’s views of us rather than our own experiences”. This was something that really opened my eyes because he is basically say that everyone gives more attention to those who are sharing their opinion on something they don’t even know about, something they aren’t even experiencing or something that has nothing to do with them rather than those who are the actual people who are non binary/ gender nonconforming  and what they experience. I feel when stuff like that happens, it is basically sharing all of the negative things people have to say and silencing the voices of those who actually matter. On page 14, Alok also says “The truth is that we are in a state of emergency. In the past few years, we have seen an onslaught of legislation introduced at the local, state and federal levels targeting gender nonconforming people by attempting to probhit curriculum about us, banning us from public accommodations, denying us access to legal protections at work, and barring our access to health care”. After reading that my heart really started to hurt because they are being treated like criminals or as if they did something wrong. I don’t understand how this world can feel so threatened by those who are gender non conforming when all they truly want is to be treated fairly and to be able to express themselves without being judged just like everyone else in the world. 

Throughout the whole reading Alok has talked about a lot of things everyone in the world should hear, especially when he says there are a lot of people who talk about gender non conforming and non binary people but not a lot of people that engage with them. I’ve noticed that a lot of people love to have an opinion on something they truly do not know about. Although gender nonconformity and being non binary isn’t something complex to understand, I feel a lot of people become so quick to negatively judge those who are before they even try to educate themselves on what it means. I also think people love to bully or harass others but would not want that same treatment done to them. It really makes me think about how you can treat someone in a way you would not want to be treated like on tiktok? Having tik tok has also shown me that those people who are trans and non binary really do get treated awfully just for being comfortable in their own skin. A lot of people throughout this world take the time out of their day to miss gender or use the wrong pronouns when addressing someone on purpose just because they don’t find how they express themselves to be “normal”. 

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