In the introduction of the reading, there is a section where it’s explain the misconception of feminism comes from. “They” “want to go against nature and god” In the past, men were always praised and in control. Women weren’t considered because (in religion) we were only made for man and to bear children for man. From religion, people start to create their own branches of what feminism really is. A threat to mankind, another revolution war, and more. Feminism is none of those things, Feminism is about rights, a community where women are accepted and seen. Religion is like another barrier created to cause separation, chaos, and confusion. In my mind, everything is really so simple! People are complicating everything and manipulating. There is no need, we were created/born humans, meaning we are one. As one, we all should receive equal rights. Gender, sexuality, and ethnicity are all barriers created by one another to dictate who is greater.
In the Bible, man seems to have been created first, by being first it drives an initiative that men are greater and the preferred gender. As the story goes eve was created for Adam to keep company. I believe it was to keep one another company, both were each other’s company and partners through life. It’s selfish to believe women were only created for man. Women aren’t objects, they are HUMANS like men.
See, this concept doesn’t seem to be understood. No matter how much women accomplish or proven. Men are proceed as the greater force because they’re “stronger” but women have proven to be more sufficient and stronger mentally. Now hear me out, women are more sufficient because they were never labeled like men labeled themselves. By taking such a grand label, it put men on a tight leash. Not being able to emotionally express themselves because “only women do that”, having to be strong and able all the time because he’s a man, not having to really fend for themselves because the women will be there to pick up the pieces.
When women start to do things on their own. It is seen as a threat! It is seen as a threat because women are playing both “gender roles” when men only play one or are suppose too. When men play both, it is determined they are less of a man. If a man cooks or cleans, cry, wears “girl’ clothes. He is less man, it is chaotic ! Most men do it to themselves because of this grand agenda they have created. When in reality it doesn’t make you less of anything!
Feminism is a movement, it is a community, a safe place, where women can be anyone or anything they want to be without the barriers. Feminism isn’t war on men but war on the labels and restrictions installed permitting one to feel great/be great. Like I said and In the reading, religion has created such an agenda and it has planted seeds for other theories to grow. Religion is one of the greatest barriers created, one of the most powering method of brainwashing and manipulation. Brainwashing women into believing they could never and would never be greater than man. When it isn’t about being greater but receiving respect! Being able to be treated like we are suppose to be treated not like objects. Religion and man has made it out to believe it is a threat because they feel like women are threatening them. Meaning they see our greatness, they see what power women hold and want to destroy it because they see women as less. Less can’t be great and could never because it is impossible. These barriers and labels have it made It nearly impossible for people to change or even consider change. It’s truly disgusting and I feel like I can write about this topic forever. I didn’t get into about all the barriers because it was overwhelming trying to explain everything but I really enjoy reading this article. I only wrote about the religion aspect because I felt so strongly about it. I went to Catholic school when I was younger, and I believe in God strongly but I do not stand by the church nor all its scriptures. Bible was created by man not God. Those words were all interpreted by man, meaning it isn’t reliable nor entirely correct. Barriers come in different shapes and words.
Feminism is a movement, it is a community, a safe place, where women can be anyone or anything they want to be without the barriers. Feminism isn’t war on men but war on the labels and restrictions installed permitting one to feel great/be great. Like I said and In the reading, religion has created such an agenda and it has planted seeds for other theories to grow. Religion is one of the greatest barriers created, one of the most powering method of brainwashing and manipulation. Brainwashing women into believing they could never and would never be greater than man. When it isn’t about being greater but receiving respect! Being able to be treated like we are suppose to be treated not like objects. Religion and man has made it out to believe it is a threat because they feel like women are threatening them. Meaning they see our greatness, they see what power women hold and want to destroy it because they see women as less. Less can’t be great and could never because it is impossible. These barriers and labels have it made It nearly impossible for people to change or even consider change. It’s truly disgusting and I feel like I can write about this topic forever. I didn’t get into about all the barriers because it was overwhelming trying to explain everything but I really enjoy reading this article. I only wrote about the religion aspect because I felt so strongly about it.
I went to Catholic school when I was younger , and I believe in God strongly but I do not stand by the church nor all its scriptures. Bible was created by man not God. Those words were all interpreted by man, meaning it isn’t reliable nor entirely correct. Barriers come in different shapes and words.
This is clearly a passionate response and I appreciate that. I like that you bring in your own experience. Your responses, however, should refer to the course readings more clearly AND you should be sure that you discuss a classmate’s snapshot in relation to those readings.