In the reading “Sex and Gender 101” by Kyl Myers I learned the terminology for people’s sexual orientation. Biological Sex refers to males having a XY chromosome and females having a XX chromosome and how male and females develop when they hit puberty. The article explained the views of a boy and girl in which a girl should be playing and dolls and boys anything that has to do with male toys. For some people it would be wrong to see a boy playing a doll or a girl playing with a car. The article mentioned the difference between Gender assignment and Gender identity. Gender assignment would have to be when you’re already born as a girl or boy so you would identify yourself as boy/man or girl/woman. Gender Identity would have to be someone identifying themselves and transgender, non-binary, etc. I enjoyed leaning about the different terms and learning a bit more about what each meant.
In the reading “Feminist Politics: Where We Stand” by bell hooks she talks about feminism not being anti male but coming together as women from different races. Something that catched my attention was when she mentioned mass media. Bell Hooks stated, “The feminism they hear about the most is portrayed by women who are primarily committed to gender equality equal pay for equal work, and sometimes women and men sharing household chores and parenting.” I feel like mass media portrays feminism as women wanting the same rights as men and wanting equality, but it’s more than just that it’s about women empowerment. I liked the image that Jasmine Vargas used because it represented women coming together as one from different races. It doesn’t matter what color a female can be they all need to support each other and it doesn’t matter in what situation they can be.
Good job addressing the readings. I would like to read more of your interpretation of the snapshot and see you connect it explicitly to the readings. Also, be sure your post is 500 words – this one is just over 300.