I combined two images together to convey what feminism is. Feminism can be seen as the glue that helps women stand together. Feminism unites us, empowers us, and inspires us to be accept who we are. To comprehend that women are humans as well, we are not objects, we have a voice too, and that we can and will achieve! Feminism is positive and an enlightening subject but it is extremely misinterpreted!!!! Growing up and learning about feminism I remember reading and getting a lot of hate on considering myself as a feminist. Men and (some women) view feminism as an act of war! When it isn’t, it is a way for women to be able to express themselves and to stand up for their rights.
The second collage I have put together presents how those who don’t seem to understand what feminism really is, actually think it is.

Thank you for your hard work here. In the future, please share just one image (you can make a collage, but it should be one image) and resist the urge to explain it. Let your classmates interpret it.
Oh okay, thank you. I wasn’t entirely sure if I was suppose to explain it.