Myweleman Ouattara

Response to Sanae Butler’ snapshot

I like the picture. It is beautiful and so powerful. The three different hands of these women mean a lot. The women realize that to gain something you have to be together no matter the ethnicity or race. Black or white we are all the same. Women want to fight for their freedom. They want to fight against sexism because women face a lot of discrimination or prejudice based on sex . Women do not want to be marginalized in society. They have the rights to have the same opportunities with the men, and be free within the society. 

These women raise their hands to show that it is enough. We also have the same rights as men. To do that, women must give the clear definition about feminist movement because people do not know anything about this mouvement. Like bell hook says “ As all advocates of feminist politics know, most people do not understand sexism, or if they do, they think it is not a problem.”

“ Their misunderstanding of  feminist politics reflects the reality that most folks learn about feminism from patriarchal mass media”.They must explain to common people the sense of their fight. Why are they fighting? For whom, are they fighting? So  women must share what they know, they have to reclaim their rights. 

Women’s goal is  to create the non-discrimination between us.The goal of feminism, which is to create equality. They want to be sure that no one is denied their rights such as gender identity, religion, race, belief, class, wealth status, and politics. So we see a lot of movement around the world.

 In the last paragraph of Feminist Politic “ where we Stand” the author talks  about the different actions women must do “ Let’s start over. Let’s have T- shirts and bumper stickers and postcards and hip- hop music, television and radio commercials, ads everywhere and billboards, and all manner of printed material that tells the world about feminism”

Feminist movement bring a lot of changement like right to vote, access to education, the right to initiate divorce proceedings, the right to make individual decisions such as pregnancy, access to contraceptives. Women also fight about  domestic violence against men. We have a lot of women who fight for women’s rights, among which we can talk about  Betty Friedan the American writer and activist. She wrote “ The Feminine Mystique” in 1963. She spent her life working for women’s equality.  Also Coretta Scott King, the wife of Martin Luther King Jr.  was an American author, activist, Civil Rights leader. She devoted  her life to women’s equality, women’s rights. In 1966, she helped found the National Organization for women. We can also talk about Angela Davis who played an important part in the Civil Rights movement. She gave her voice for black women. The poet Audre Lorde also added her powerful voice through writing  and poetry to show female identity and life as a black lesbian. She said “ It is not our differences that divides the US. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences”.

One thought on “Myweleman Ouattara

  1. Brianne Waychoff

    I really appreciate that you responded directly to Sanae’s snapshot. I hope that you can discuss both readings (if there are more than one) in your future responses. I think you may have a little confusion about the bell hooks article. That’s OK! Please reach out if you would like to talk about it more.

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