Snapshots 1

Feminism has always been an important topic in our society today and one of the greatest feminists I love is Audre Lorde, she fought for black women, feminism, and civil rights. she also went ahead to urge women to break through their silence because it is the only way to break through to each other. In this week’s reading Feminist Politics, some of the things I got to learn or that stood out for me about feminism is the saying that “Masses of people think that feminism is always and only about women seeking to be equal to men but rather it is for everyone. Also, the fact that books/works that educate people about feminism like “Feminist theory: From Margin to center which offers the vision of feminist transformation are not given mainstream attention makes it a little hard for people to fully understand what feminism is all about. Just like the reading said “They have not rejected its message, rather they do not know what the message is.


One thought on “Snapshots 1

  1. Brianne Waychoff

    I also ADORE Audre Lorde. We will be reading her in a few weeks. We recently had a campaign to rename a building at Hunter College (where she taught) after her! I like your snapshot. In the future, just share the images and don’t explain them.

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