Snapshot 1 – emely d.

I chose these images to represent feminism because I believe that when we speak about feminism, people begin to misunderstand the concept and that is when debates, arguments, and deeper questions arise. I believe women’s rights are not far-fetched – we are not asking to be better than anyone else nor are we trying to belittle anyone else, all we are asking for is to be viewed the same, get the same opportunities and be able to be free within our society. I believe these images are a perfect quote/representation of that.

2 thoughts on “Snapshot 1 – emely d.

  1. Glory Kalu wilson

    Hi Emely, I love your snapshot, the organization is good starting from the pictures they look great and it really represents feminism. I agree with you about women not asking to be better than anyone else, all they are asking for is some right to do what they want without anyone oppressing them. Great work and good luck this semester.

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