Snapshot 1

Hi Professor and fellow Classmates!

Thank you for taking the time to read my post! The first few readings have been really eye opening and inspiring. I never realized just how deep the definition of feminism and sexism goes. It is also crazy to see just how intertwined these two terms are. What s really stuck with after finishing the reading was one of the lines towards the end of Chapter 1 of “Feminism is for Everybody.” Author Bell Hooks write’s “We can share the simple yet powerful message that feminism is a movement to end sex- ist oppression” (Hooks 6). The line was simple, direct, and powerful. It is how I will define feminism from now on. These readings made me think about a video I watched a few weeks back regarding a sushi restaurant in Tokyo that boasts a 100% female staff. Traditionally, sushi chefs have always been Men and it is shunned upon for women to become a sushi chef. Things are starting to change even in a predominantly matriarchal society such as Japan.

One thought on “Snapshot 1

  1. Brianne Waychoff

    Thank you so much for sharing this video. It is very interesting and I love her responses to the questions. In the future, you don’t have to do explain quite so much. You could just share the video and a one-sentence description. The final sentence you wrote says that Japan is traditionally matriarchal. I think you mean patriarchal, yes?

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