Although many people believe feminism isn’t that important anymore since gender equality has been achieved, people like Kristin Aune tells us about how feminism is still needed today and why it still matters to young people
It is sad to say, but I think until a few days or moments ago, I was one of the people that had a misconception about what “Feminism” and “Gender equality” really entails. More light need to be thrown on this concept. This very much because, the media and many sites’ people rely on and trust, does not tell us what feminism really is. A lot of people out there think feminism and gender equality are the same still.
As per what I have understood from our week’s reading, Feminism is a movement that sets its center of attention on ending sexist exploitation and oppression. In the beginning, the movement was made only by women to end the sex oppressors (men). However, the movement came to a realization that not just women, but also our fellow women could be sexist. Some women actually supported the activities and the likes of sexist exploitation. “Sexist exploitation” could be any form of abuse by someone with authority and power to a less fortunate person, and “sexism” is a way of discriminating people based on genders, this mostly applies to women. It is believing that some people have a limit and/ or are inferior to another. Feminists came to change their concept after making this realization, they did not want to overlook this fact and made it accessible for everyone.
“Gender equality” on the other hand is not really misinterpreted but rather hard to achieve. This is a sad reality we are facing, not only in our homes, but sometimes in school, workplace and many more. A lot has changed. Yes! It nevertheless does not change the fact that the belief that men are superior to women is still unimpaired. Women are still struggling to have equal benefits as men in the workplace, still struggling to have dominance in school related activities and in their homes. Even after women liberation was enhanced.
I do have an idea of what sex and gender is, thanks to a biology class I took. Though they are a bit complicating to comprehend. “Biological sex” is said to be an assumption of the appearance of an individual’s external genitalia. “External genitalia and secondary sex characteristics can certainly be altered and there are medications that change an individual’s hormone chemistry or suppress puberty” (Myers 2). From what I understand of what this sentence is, based on an individual’s preference, he or she can decide to change his/her appearance or hormones or feelings through medications and what not. I have heard of something like this before and yet still fascinated by this fact. I most liked learning of the variations of intersex. The 46 XX intersex, 46 XY intersex, True Gonadal intersex and the complex or undetermined intersex shows how vast the topic “sex” can be.
I really found these topics to be very interesting and profound. I have been able to acquire a lot through the article and book presented. Being intuitive about matters like sex and gender is important.
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Alright, thank you Professor
This is a really good snapshot!
This post is great! Thank you for sharing!