Mass of people usually mistake feminism for gender equality due to the intense media influence. As feminism focuses on the “movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation and oppression”, gender equality focuses on perpetuating the norms that men are above women/ or women are the subordinates of men. Through the misunderstanding of what feminism and gender equality was, females who participated in freedom struggles were provoked and began the women’s liberation. “what is women’s liberation”. It is a movement to combat sexual discrimination and to gain full legal, economic vocational, educational opportunities for women, equal to those of men. However, after women realized that men were not the only group that supported “sexist thinking, that females were included; it caused a lot of disruption within the feminist world. Sisterhood could not be as strong and powerful. Many awareness groups were disrupted by the discussions of class and race. As stated, “white woman began to assert their need for freedom after civil rights, just at the point when racial discrimination was ending and black people, especially black males, might have attained equality in the workplace with white men”. After these issues overshadowed the main focus of the revolutionary feminist, they decided to rebrand their motive and focus. Fortunately, it was acknowledged but not made known to the public. Feminism is a movement made to support and appreciate the good intentions of not just females, but males as well. “Feminism is for everyone”.
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