Response 11

To me the fight of abortion there is no good or bad side. Both sides are fighting for what they believe is right. I don’t really have a side on the topic because everyone knows what’s best for them nobody else does. Abortion to me is a human right and it’s a woman’s body right. Women should be able to do what’s best for them. If a woman feels like it’s not the best decision to put a child in this world it’s very understandable because she is trying to do what’s best for her and the child. I know many people talk about there are different options out there but it’s not necessarily better for the child there are things still at risk. Also some people are against abortion because of religious beliefs but some see abortion as a huge sin that but that’s not true because a sin is a sin to ere is no sin bigger than the other so to me it’s not fair to Judge these women when we all commit sin on a regular basis god is very forgiving of all of us. In The documentary “The Abortion Divide” one of the workers the escort coordinator said “Predominantly the protesters are older white males, and the patients are young women. I don’t understand why older white men think it’s appropriate for them to be, um, standing at a clinic where young women come for health care, be talking to them, interacting with them, sometimes touching them.what sometimes happens is the women will get there and freeze. And realize what it is that they’re walking into. The magnitude and the yElling can be very upsetting to them”. This part stood out to me because these men’s opinions are based on their religious beliefs which is totally understandable. But they do not think about these women or the best for these children’s lives fully. One these men are fighting against women’s bodies which is unfair because they don’t experience the same things as women they don’t understand these women really. Second, after these women keep the baby what happens after even though some homes for these mothers they can only stay there for 6months after birth. And these places can’t keep up with these women’s leave which means you don’t know what happens to these mothers and children. That’s why I feel like both sides have good attention. I feel like abortion should be a option for women always but also more resources for women to be able to keep their children. Lastly the snapshot that stood out to me is shavoya snapshot because it really represented the meaning the the documentary and that abortion is not for a set type of women abortion is deformed any women that needs it and women should have that option if they needs it.

Also on the YouTube video “Hobby Lobby on Last Week Tonight” which talks about corporations having human rights like freedom of religion. Basically these corporations want to be viewed as a person. But it’s unfair because they are only picking and choosing what they want to be viewed as a person. And that’s not how the government necessarily works. I’m totally against corporations to be viewed as people because when they make mistakes they are not treated as so. Lastly corporations are companies that provide for anyone without any type of discrimination and i feel like it should stay as so.

One thought on “Response 11

  1. Allena McKenzie

    Something that you said that caught my attention is “everyone knows what’s best for them, nobody else does.” I 100% agree with you. Abortion is a human right, and it’s a woman’s body right. It is no one’s place to police a woman’s body. Whatever decision she makes, she is making it because she knows what’s best for her. Women should be able to do what’s best for themselves and the life they may not bring into this world.

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