This was a 4-week long project for MMP260 – Introduction to 2D animation. We were asked to animate a character we designed in Adobe Animate for 10 to 30 seconds. We also had to use nested Symbols(loops), Adobe Animate’s Camera tool and sound.
After brainstorming ideas, I decided I wanted to create a cat version of one of my idols: the French filmmaker Agnes Varda. I started by making a bunch of sketches:

To further develop my character’s personality, I wrote a little bio for her:
“Agnes is a distinguished older cat. She walks on two legs, like a human, and is very smart. While her bones are frail and her vision a bit blurry (she has to wear thick glasses) she loves to stroll around the city with her pet snail. Her artistic disposition is reflected in her choice of clothes and unique haircut. She is on the shorter side and a bit round.”
Once I had a good idea of what my character would look like, I created a detailed character sheet:

Now that my character was well formed it was time to create a storyboard for the animation. I made sure it included a variety of shots and sound cues:

The animation and sound editing steps were more time consuming that I initially thought and I had to make some adjustments/simplify some of the story element and movements. I used Audacity to edit the soundtrack.
You can see the final video here: