The reading and writing of Poetry are quite existential to me. It is the trait of trying to engage people in the way you feel, think, experience. The way it is written in a language that is comprised of imagery, rhyme, sound. This is all comprised to capture the mine of the reader of these poems or sonnets. How to understand and try to figure out what the author of it is trying to say and to engage the individual. How to get the person to find interest and use their mind to imagine being there performing whatever the poem stated. Reading the activity 2 poem to draw you in to wanting to engage more so that you can feel it in your heart and mind. I personally since grade school having to do poems from memory turned me away because creating a noninterest in the art of this Love, deceit, humor was all taken away and hidden.
A few years ago, women were often locked in the house, only doing housework and errands, and didn’t like it one bit. In “The Wife”, a woman transforms when she gets married and respects her husband’s wishes. In “The One Hour Story,” Mallard’s husband dies, at first she weeps and finally mourns the loss of her husband. After getting over the initial shock and grief, she finally realizes she is free. She is aware that she is moving towards freedom. Her fear and blank look were replaced by her acceptance and excitement. The two characters find themselves in similar situations, both feeling trapped in their marriage and will realize how weak their personalities are in their marriage. In “The Wife”, when she enters married life, she is no longer a girl but a woman, so she has to leave behind all her “playthings”, which are taken for granted. make her a woman. In “The One Hour Story”, she deals with her darkness. She used to have a personality before getting married and spends the rest of her life trying to please a man who doesn’t love her. She then realized that she had “a long journey in the years to come that will be entirely hers”. Both characters are very sad and know that before they got married they had a fulfilling life but when they got married they fell into a trap.
“Poetry is a higher form than history.” It defines history as the narrative of a particular event occurring at a particular time for a particular person or group while literature is the narrative of what is common in human experience. After reading Oedipus King, it became clear that he could not escape his own fate. Aristotle views and concerns literature from a more aesthetic point of view. Although its primary goal is also literacy, it considers literature as a structural phenomenon. According to Aristotle, at that time they believed that each person’s fate was predetermined from birth and that that fate could not be changed. The main character is Oedipus and his destiny is the villain. When Oedipus learned of his fate, he fled from Corinth after hearing what the prophecy foretold. He decides to leave Corinth for Delphi to learn his story from the prophecy of Apollo. There he is told that he will kill his father and sleep with his mother. To prevent the miracle from happening. Oedipus, who wanted to know the truth, could not dispose of what was given him at birth. He believes in power, and when his father died, he went alone to seek justice with King Lai and his people, and for personal reasons. He announced the death of the man who killed King Lai. He realizes that he is the one he is looking for, and his fate is sealed.
“If aught she missed in her new day Of amplitude, or awe, Or first prospective, or the gold In using wore away…”(Dickson) This stanza from Emily Dickson’s poem “The Wife”, can be depicted as an example of Mrs. Mallard’s emotional state towards her husband’s false death in the story “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin. An example quote from Chopin’s story, reveals Mallard’s emotional state about her husband’s death, “And yet she had loved him — sometimes. Often, she had not. What did it matter!” (Chopin) In comparison to Dickson’s stanza and Millard’s emotional state, both give an exemplified perspective process of being a wife. However, in Chopin’s story, Millard’s thought of her husband’s death as freedom for her new independence. In Dickson stanza from “The wife” gives a different perspective in her stanza as if being in a marriage prevents independence.
This story takes place in Harlem, I am going to compare to of the children being Sylvia and Mercedes. Sylvia seems to be the leader of the group. When she says to do something, they do. When the go to F.A.O, Schwarz toy store they are amazed by everything in the window. As the look at the window MS Moore pushes them to enter the store, Sylvia and Sugar just stand at the door as if they couldn’t move or enter the store. It is like Sylvia is out of her comfort zone and didn’t know how to react. They are pushed aside by the other children to get in. Once inside Sylvia is just looking and seeing the prices on how people would spend money on this stuff and acted like nothing. Mercedes on the other hand acted refine and spoke pleasant and was saying how she had things the others didn’t. Slyvia had a disdain for Ms. Moore and couldn’t wait to leave whereas Mercedes was enjoying being there.
The two characters I am going to compare are Flyboy and Mercedes and their responses to visiting the FAO Schwarz toy store. Flyboy is always calling someone out and ends up being wrong or he will cut someone off to jump to another topic. He can be sarcastic too. Mercedes is more so not like the other characters, she’s not I guess you can say disrespectful in the way she responds to a question. She seems to talk a lot too and has a bit more knowledge than the other kids. Flyboy does not seem to understand why some of the toys are the price that they are and he makes remarks, Mercedes seems more open and not as quick-witted as Flyboy. Mercedes seems more mature too, when they were all asked what they thought of the toy store Mercedes says she would like to go back there when she gets her birthday money, and Flyboy disregards the question altogether saying he’d like to shower since it was a tiring day for him.
I believe the professor selected Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s story “The Most Handsome Dead Man” as the first story. to state that a truly great person has the ability to influence others, to inspire them to be better, and to motivate them to strive for greatness. Perhaps the professor hopes that we, as students, will be able to stimulate and inspire one another throughout the semester. In the story Esteban, the Drowned Man, represents an overwhelming event. With his body washed up on the beach, the villagers saw Esteban and his magnificent features, they were blown away. His features inadvertently encourage the locals to congregate, brightening up their otherwise boring lives. It also demonstrates the impact a person can have on those who admire him or her, which manifests as a desire for self-improvement.