Ben pu Dai week 10

I will write about “Salvation” by Langston Hughes for my research essay. “Salvation” by Langston Hughes published in 1940, is a short story from “The Big Sea”. “Salvation” is a short story about a 12 years old kid, who questions Jesus existence after church services, and also reached out to adults after that visit. In this short story, there are a lot of ironies popping out. But the main point which was a lie changed him because Langston realized if he didn’t lie about being saved, his aunt will be disappointed in him. He cried at the end and realized something about Jesus. In BMCC databases I didn’t find any resources yet because of reasons. I will try to find mostly about, how a can lie affects someone, or how can a lie changes a child’s mind. Since we as the reader saw what happened to Langston at the end. My thesis statement would be “A simple lie can affect a kid(person) mentally”.


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