Jiaxing Rong Discussion 10

For my research essay, I have been working on the character analysis of “Salvation” by Langston Hughes. My thesis statement is “The depiction of the main character demonstrates an empathetic change as he goes from being a naive child to a shameful liar who no longer believes in God”. I feel the secondary resources that best support my thesis is the biography either about Hughes’ early religious influence before “Salvation” in his childhood, which can support “Salvation” does cause a huge empathetic hurt to him, or about after “Salvation”, Hughes living as an atheist for the rest of his life. But it looks like there is no information about how Hughes is instilled the notion of the significant value of being a Christian by his aunt or the family. At least I found some critical essays about his firm position as a nonbeliever from his life experience related to religion and some of his poems.

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