For my research essay, I have been working on the character analysis of “Salvation” by Langston Hughes. My thesis statement is “The depiction of the main character demonstrates an empathetic change as he goes from being a naive child to a shameful liar who no longer believes in God”. I feel the secondary resources that best support my thesis is the biography either about Hughes’ early religious influence before “Salvation” in his childhood, which can support “Salvation” does cause a huge empathetic hurt to him, or about after “Salvation”, Hughes living as an atheist for the rest of his life. But it looks like there is no information about how Hughes is instilled the notion of the significant value of being a Christian by his aunt or the family. At least I found some critical essays about his firm position as a nonbeliever from his life experience related to religion and some of his poems.
Daily Archives: March 31, 2022
My research paper would be on the short story “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. This story is written by villagers that thought of him as a perfect man he was different from everyone around them, so they thought a change is what they needed because of the handsome man. The article that I would be using as a secondary source is Reading the Meaning of life through symbols: The Handsomest Drowned Man in The World. I was able to find this source through the BMCC library. This article supports my thesis statement because it explains how one person can help another person develop and look thing at things differently in life.
My research paper will focus on “The lesson” is a story written by Toni Cade Bambara. An African American writer, so she wrote: “The Lesson” a short story that was published in 1972 following the Civil Rights movement, during that time social inequality in the United States was colossal. “The Lesson” is set in Harlem in New York City. A group of Black children is taken to the F.A.O Schwartz Toy store by an unusual woman in the neighborhood. Throughout the short story, Sylvia is portrayed as a tough hard-shelled individual. The thesis of my essay is” Her character is at the heart of the story as she reacts to the people around her and the lesson, she learns at the toy store.” As a result, my main goal is to find a very good critical article through this second source to connect with “The Lesson” that could help me prepare a good writing final essay.
My research paper focuses on the short story The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World. The thesis of my essay is “The story shows the force of stories to have an impact on the lives and perspectives of the villagers.” The title of my secondary source is “Overview of “The Handsomest Drowned Man”. It is a critical essay from Liz Brent. I found this source in the database Gale Literature Resource Center in the BMCC library. The main idea of this essay is that the author discusses the element of fantasy in García Márquez’s story “The Handsomest Drowned Man.”. This secondary source supports my thesis because it goes in-depth on how each of the characters reacted to Esteban, “The children immediately allow their fantasies to determine what it must be; the narrator states that they “let themselves think it was an enemy ship.” The statement that they “let themselves think” this indicates that they were indulging in a fantasy…”
I am writing about Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s “The Handsomest Drowned Man In The World.” This story is about how everyone is so entranced by a man’s beauty that they change for the better because they imagine a world where this handsome man lived and thrived. The article that I will be using for research is one that supports the same views as in my essay which is “Beyond Magical Realism: Teaching Creative Thinking Using Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s ‘The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World’ Donna A. Gessell.” In this article, she talks about how this story is “more than an opportunity of teaching elements of magical realism; it offers lessons in the creative thinking process itself.” There weren’t many article about Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s “The Most Handsomest Drowned Man In The World”, but knowing that her article still stands out a lot more than the rest which is why I chose this article from the BMCC library.