One of the timeless behaviors that I get in the book is with regards the answer that Freudian gives to Allan Arlow and that I find excellent and completely satisfying. Jocasta informs Oedipus that a man always has a dream of having his father killed and then getting the chance of marrying his mother. What she says indeed happens on very many occasions as we see evident in the book (Grene 73). The other fascinating behavior is the issue of deep fears of the patriarchal society that calls for great attention . In such an instance, the son might has his father killed or kill him by himself and end up marrying his wife. The son is then set to enjoy the privileges that the father initially wanted, and after the father’s death, all the roles are assumed by him. Then finally, we see the mundane fear that the book claims is in every one of us.
Daily Archives: March 12, 2022
Timeless human experiences or behaviors that I found in my reading of Oedipus the King is the fear of not being in control. I think this is a big one because multiple times does the story goes on about fate, it is deeply connected within it. Fear of not being in control, the fear of higher beings being in control of what happens and what is your destiny, your “fate”, I think this is the timeless human behavior that is being interpreted from this reading. The reading of Oedipus the King’s characters shows that everyone faces their fate regardless of what they attempt to do, worsening it if continued to try and cheat fate to attempt to change it or mold it to their liking. Even Oedipus’s fate is already predetermined by the God’s, higher beings in the reading to commit. Throughout the reading, however, Oedipus as well attempts to change his fate, but his stubborn nature pushes him more towards his downfall.
“Poetry is a higher form than history.” It defines history as the narrative of a particular event occurring at a particular time for a particular person or group while literature is the narrative of what is common in human experience. After reading Oedipus King, it became clear that he could not escape his own fate. Aristotle views and concerns literature from a more aesthetic point of view. Although its primary goal is also literacy, it considers literature as a structural phenomenon. According to Aristotle, at that time they believed that each person’s fate was predetermined from birth and that that fate could not be changed. The main character is Oedipus and his destiny is the villain. When Oedipus learned of his fate, he fled from Corinth after hearing what the prophecy foretold. He decides to leave Corinth for Delphi to learn his story from the prophecy of Apollo. There he is told that he will kill his father and sleep with his mother. To prevent the miracle from happening. Oedipus, who wanted to know the truth, could not dispose of what was given him at birth. He believes in power, and when his father died, he went alone to seek justice with King Lai and his people, and for personal reasons. He announced the death of the man who killed King Lai. He realizes that he is the one he is looking for, and his fate is sealed.
When Aristotle has written that “poetry is a higher form than history.” He qualifies that history is the story of a particular event that happens at a particular time to a particular person or group, while literature is the story of what is universal in the human experience. I agree with this because in poetry the person shows more emotion in ways of rhyme. In the reading of Oedipus the King there were signs of emotions that are still carried out to this day such as revenge and other things that are carried out in our society. In lines 119 ceron says something that relates to the only way to make the empire great is with spilling blood of the people that have done bad to us, meaning revenge. Also oedipus found out that was found to kill his father and marry his mother which that blinded him and made him feel a type of way. this happens in our society where people find crazy news and it changes them.
“If aught she missed in her new day Of amplitude, or awe, Or first prospective, or the gold In using wore away…”(Dickson) This stanza from Emily Dickson’s poem “The Wife”, can be depicted as an example of Mrs. Mallard’s emotional state towards her husband’s false death in the story “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin. An example quote from Chopin’s story, reveals Mallard’s emotional state about her husband’s death, “And yet she had loved him — sometimes. Often, she had not. What did it matter!” (Chopin) In comparison to Dickson’s stanza and Millard’s emotional state, both give an exemplified perspective process of being a wife. However, in Chopin’s story, Millard’s thought of her husband’s death as freedom for her new independence. In Dickson stanza from “The wife” gives a different perspective in her stanza as if being in a marriage prevents independence.