Sylvia and Sugar are the two characters in this story that stand out to me the most. They serve as two sides of the same coin. Sylvia even after the field trip to F.A.O. Schwartz is unfazed by the experience. Sugar on the other hand seems as if she has seen more of the world now and wants some semblance of independence. At the very least she won’t stand for Sylvia attempting to silence her opinions or thoughts about things that they don’t agree on. Though yes at first they both would rather be at the pool instead of wearing starchy clothing and being forced to behave in a certain manner on 5th avenue but as the story progresses things slightly change. While they both think deeply about this new world they were just shown. Sylvia rejects it knowing that she will most likely never make enough to afford any of those toys and Sugar comes off as thinking about what the future could hold. Only shown in how Sugar refused to be shut down by Sylvia, that in itself being something new shows the change in Sugar from her experiences of the day.

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