Jerry week 2 discission

In this story, the author used an overstatement to create a magical, mythical to capture our attention. He described the dead man as the main character in the story. By reading this story I can see that the small village was poor, before the dead man arrived the houses had stone courtyards with no flowers. Very little space on the island. When they found Esteban, his presence transformed them to think bigger and different. The beauty and the splendor of the dead man inspired them to change the village’s view. I do not personally think a dead could bring anything that could benefit a village, but the story makes me rethink, it ends with a great vision of the transformation of good looks. While I was reading this story, I thought they were going to keep his body or do a great burial ritual since they loved him so much. But no, they dropped him off like any dead body. However, in memory of Esteban, their houses would have wider doors higher ceilings, and stronger floors. This symbolizes the town rebuilding itself and starting new opportunities.

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