“When I began writing science fiction, when I began reading, heck, I wasn’t in any of this stuff I read. I wrote myself in.”
— Octavia Butler
Boy, it’s hard to choose. But while it’s tempting to make you read everything Octavia Butler wrote, instead I will point you to two living writers.
N.K. Jemisin — like Natalie Diaz — is a winner of the MacArthur Foundation’s “Genius Grant.” (The title of this post is hers, for a book of short stories.) She is best known for a sci-fi trilogy called the Broken Earth series. It’s good! But I won’t make you read it. Instead, please watch this video the MacArthur Foundation made about her and this video of a famous speech she made at an award ceremony (the Hugos) about representation:
If you are going to write your response this week on literature, please also read this New Yorker profile of Jemisin.
Another obvious heir to Octavia Butler is Nnedi Okorafor. You can read an excerpt from her (super amazing) Binti trilogy here: