Unit two essay proposal: Guerrilla Girls

Eliana Grajales

For this essay I decided to dive further into a topic that I had researched for my high school capstone. The Guerrilla Girls are an anonymous feminist group that don gorilla masks while schooling people on social issues such as (but are not limited to) racial injustice, sexism, and discrimination of any kind. How do they do this you may ask? The Guerrilla Girls use humor and satire through art projects, more specifically posters/banners and short films.

Two Guerilla Girls posters that I found especially memorable

Some things are especially important to research for this essay such as…

  • The Museum of Modern Arts in New York City (MoMA)
  • the Guerilla Girls Talk Back art portfolio
  • the Do Women Have To Be Naked To Get Into The Met. Museum poster
  • Kathe Kollwitz
  • Other art museums in New York City

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopedia. “Guerrilla Girls”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 4 Dec. 2018, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Guerrilla-Girls.

Unit 2 Proposal

For my unit 2 proposal, I’m diving into the movement “Stop Telling Women to Smile” by Tatyana Fazlalizadeh. It’s a street art project that refers to addressing the gender based street harassment that happens everyday over various places, happening to countless women. The Project started here in New York, primarily in Brooklyn in the fall of 2012. To this day its still considered an on-going project to raise awareness to this world wide conflict.

The project consists of various portraits made by Fazlalizadeh, that have displayed various women that she has sat down with and talked with about their own experiences with harassment and how it has affected them to this day. She uses many buildings and structures as her displays for her works of art to show all kinds of people the ongoing problem that happens within our society. She also is seen using not only English but Spanish as well on her portraits to hopefully reach people from other walks of life and to have her project reach more and more people.

Lambkin, Kelly and Cortland, Suny. “2 New York Artists Who Used Graffiti to Ignite Social Change.” 15 Nov. 2017.

Fazlalizadeh, Tatyana “Stop Telling Women to Smile.”


Fabulize Magazine, Contributor. “It’s Important For Men to Understand That They Need To Stop Telling Women to Smile.” 11 April. 2016


Art/Social Change Topic

For this assignment, searching for an artist to write about and research sounded very difficult for me. One assignment that really got my interest was “textile arts and social change”. I was hooked. After my interest in learning about the AIDS Memorial quilt it was clear that this is what I had to write about.

The glory of the story is that there is not just one artist. There are thousands. Another beauty of this movement is that the artwork itself is too big to be in one place. I am truly excited to dedicate myself to exploring more about the quilt and cannot wait to start writing about it!

Unit 2 Idea Bucket

Hi folks! Here is that list of ideas we brainstormed yesterday. If you weren’t in class, please add your ideas in the comments.


 Black Lives Matter movement

  • Diversity in Film, Films like Black Panther showing Black people in bigger roles.
  • Black Lives Matter Movement, Showing support for equality.

Street Art

Street stickers


  • Tatyana Fazlalizadeh “Stop Telling Women to Smile”
  • Keith Haring “crack is wack”

Textile Arts

  • Hawaiian Flag Quilts-


Anti slavery sewing circles: Women decorated fabrics with abolitionist symbols to combat slavery https://graphicarts.princeton.edu/2018/05/05/abolitionist-sewing-circles/

  • AIDS Memorial, honoring the lives lost due to AIDS.
  • AIDS Awareness, educating and spreading information about AIDS.


  • music of the civil rights movement

-Nat King Cole

-Sam Cooke

-Stevie wonder ( Happy Birthday to Ya is for Martin Luther King jr to make help make his birthday a national holiday)

– Aretha Franklin 


Sound Track for a Revolution- 2009 documentary 

“Bill Guttentag’s documentary examines the importance of music during the U.S. civil rights movement that took place during the 1950s and ’60s. The various sit-ins and public demonstrations of the era incorporated protest songs, folk tunes and spirituals, music that was a crucial part of the movement…”

Riot Grrrl movement: A punk movement that encouraged women and girls alike to produce music to spread anti-racist and anti-sexist messages https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/05/03/arts/music/riot-grrrl-playlist.html

Other ideas

Propaganda billboards

Confederate Statues

Barbara Kruger

Tatiana Fazlalizadeh

Hugh masekela

Miriam Makeba

Act UP (die-ins, etc)

Art of the Black Power Movement – movement that believes in racial pride.

– Chilean Arpilleras

– Pollution “Standing Rock”

– Quilts spread awareness for change

AIDS Quilt

Its very interesting to read about this movement for aids. During the 80s, when AIDS was most dangerous, its truly devastating to see how hundreds on hundreds have died from it. Its hard to imagine something like that’s. What bothers me more is how these people where treated and viewed in the United States because of this. It shows how the LGBT community has been through so much, and has suffered death at such high rates, while being ostracized by others. Reading about the quilts is very astonishing how so many people came together to support this community at a time where there was so much hate. It was something that was needed so much at the time, and it made a huge impact.

AIDS must have been such a scary time because there was little to no sex education in communities such as black and brown ones. There was more hate to LGBT communities than support for a community clearly fighting for their lives. It was really important that these people had a way to be seen and acknowledged. They’re voices needed to be heard. Cleve Jones did that, and i think it was one of the most important things that he could’ve done. He started a movement and showed this community to the world showing that they and they’re cause and struggles were just as important too.

Each quilt is in honor of someone who died from aids, and has grown to over 40,000 different people. It was a way for families to mourn and honor there loved ones. I think that the quilt was mostly a way to acknowledge that AIDS was a problem and that there are people suffering with it. It humanized this community to the country saying that they matter too. It was such an important part of history.

Chilean Arpilleras

After reading and watching the arpilleras of Chile, it is really interesting how a work of art can be so powerful in trying to bring a social change to a country. What is a an Arpillera? It is a form of artistic protest that dated back to the years of Augustin Pinochet, a dictator in Chile who ruled from 1973-1990 after the previous government was taken over. What makes those Arpilleras so powerful is that from the video, they show scenes of events that has happened during Pinochet’s rule and showing the outsiders what life is like in Chile. This also alarmed the United Nations on the human rights being violated.The dictatorship of Pinochet was not so great as many of the women’s family have been either disappeared or killed by the government. I never knew about this type of artistic protest.

According to the article on contemporary use of embroidery as protest art, Arpilleras has resurfaced in attempts to bring positive social change to Chile. In the article, readers are told that In October 2019, high school students took to the streets to protest against subway fare increase. As time went by, protesters also use this as an opportunity to call for an economic reform and for new constitution to replace the 1980 one as that one was written during the Pinochet regime. The Chilean women that have protested became victims of police abuse, much like in other countries such as the U.S. where protesters suffer police violence. The protesters used embroidery to show how they had suffered and , many of them got their eyes injured or lost an eye as a result of the violence. Therefore, a 23 foot long tapestry titled “Embroider you Eyes” was created to show the many eyes injured or lost in the protests and to show what police were doing against protesters.

It is interesting how the effects of the Pinochet regime are still present in modern day Chile as the example of the Constitution is an example of it. The protesters saw this an opportunity to further bring change to their country where there are still many missing family members and the new generation of women are becoming more active.


Confederate Statues

I find the removal of confederate statues very interesting. It is clear that the purpose of these statues were to promote ideals of white supremacy in the United States, other then to honor fallen soldiers of the war. This idea that these statues are meant for white supremacy is proved by the fact that the statues have become a gathering ground for white supremacist groups. Many of those opposed to the removal of the statues state that it is wiping away history. Though i think that this is a ignorant statement when it is clear that they stand for much more then that. But at the same time i feel that the removal of these statues do nothing for acknowledging Americas racist and violent past. Its very simple to remove statues, but that isn’t progress in dismantling white supremacy, and bigotry in this country. It is just a poor attempt to satisfy black and brown communities into believing that America is changing, when in reality it is not.

The confederate statues were built to honor those who wanted to keep Blacks as slaves, as inferior, and has less. I feel that there is no pride in this, only for white supremacy which has caused centuries of pain and trauma to Blacks in America. Removing the statues do not prevent police from killing young black men, nor does it solve the numerous flaws in our justice system. Most importantly, removing statues does not remove the mentality of racism which is deeply engrained in this country. If America is willing to remove the traces of White Supremacy, then it should be willing to review and acknowledge its true history of racism and reflect and work to change these issues.

I believe that Black and Brown communities are often handed false progression when it comes to changing the way that this country treats them. We are given street names in honor of Black and Brown figures, and we see all over the country the removal of racist statues, and we are given apologies and protests regarding our experiences. Though its important to look at the reality which is still, that Black and Brown people in America still are struggling because we are brought up in a country were we are viewed as less, and are treated unfairly based on the color of our skin. Though the removal of these statues is good, it is nothing compared to the real problems that this country has. It does nothing to change the current circumstances of Black and Brown people.

Not Just A Quilt.

Eliana Grajales

Social change does not happen in the blink of an eye, it takes groups of people protesting, gigantic demonstrations, ruckus in the streets.. or a gorgeous quilt. The NAMES project spreads awareness of the HIV/AIDs virus by displaying a 1.2 million square foot quilt with names of the people who have fallen to the disease. This quilt is a somber reminder of the lives lost to HIV but manages to be absolutely breathtaking at the same time, and no, not because of its beauty, but because this project had given families and friends a way to grieve. It leaves me in awe knowing thousands upon thousands of people contributed their own stitch work for this display.

There was a couple blocks in particular that I chose to examine closer, although I wish I could see them all! I took a look at Freddy Mercury’s four blocks that were dedicated to him. Something that I admire about this project is that although Freddy Mercury is a big name in music he was honored just as everyone else was, no more, no less.

Block 5,845 on the quilt

All of the sections are amazing in their own ways but I believe that the very last block added to the quilt told the best message. In the beginning of making the quilt the project had received thousands of submissions at once but in 1988 a single block was submitted. “The Last One” was a symbol representing the hope that people wouldn’t need to keep giving the project stitch-work because we’d stop losing people to this virus. Now 48’000 panels strong, the quilt is complete and the most visible representation of people with HIV/AIDs.

Stitched Together

By Ryan Smith

Watching these videos and reading these stories about these individuals is really heavy and really makes you be grateful for the modern medicine and advancements we have today. Ive always been aware of the AIDS pandemic and the history this country has with LGBTQ rights. It still shocks me that not too long ago it was a federal crime to be queer in this county. As some 30+ years has passed since this tragedy and the illegal precedent of being queer, it doesn’t seem we have made as much progress as a nation as we should have. It was only 7 years ago that the U.S. Supreme Court struck down all state bans on same sex marriage, and legalizing all same sex marriages throughout the county.

Seeing these videos about how and why the quilt was made really opened my eyes on how such a deviating tragedy brought so many people together and make the worlds largest community arts project ever. It has 40,000+ individuals that lost their lives to this AIDS pandemic.

Back then there wasn’t much or if any information on sexual awareness and practicing safe sex. AIDS was something completely new back then and was at my understanding terrifying because no one knew anything about it and how to prevent it. Listening to these stories about how so many friends and family members were lost by the numbers and how much it would take its toll on you. The panels representing the size of a casket makes a bigger impact on the stories that want to be told, and these innocent lives will not be forgotten.

The Biggest Textile Art Project!

Textile quilts and social change do not sound like two things that go together. After watching, reading, and researching many massive projects like the AIDS Memorial quilt you can see how much change these quilts can bring. In my opinion, the form of art and messages the quilts give off is just indescribable.

This week I decided to dig deeper and research more into the AIDS Memorial Quilt. Did you know that over 20 countries decided to join in on the projects! Currently, the quilt resides in the National AIDS Memorial just inside of San Francisco. Since it was first displayed on October 11, 1987, the quilt now includes more than 50,000 panels honoring practically 100,000 people. Since the quilt is now so large it cannot be displayed in one place. As of today, you can visit the project anytime since it is now displayed online.

Although there are many other projects like the AIDS Memorial, it would not be a bad idea to spread more important messages and opinions through textile art. If you’re interested in exploring the AIDS Memorial Quilt, I have put the link and all my sources below!


– https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1470617/

Visit the AIDS Memorial online!