#SiMeMatan #IftheyKillMe

by Liz Cortes

PICTURE from: Sobhi Damasio, Nazly article, WN Wears your voice, 5th May 2017.  https://www.wearyourvoicemag.com/cinco-de-mayo/.

The next audio tells the history of the Lesby Osorio murder, and its influence on feminist movements.

Live with no fear, is the wish of every woman in Mexico, and around the world. Not fear to walk in the streets, not fear to wear what they want, no fear to be themselves. According to the Economic Commission of Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), up to 40% of the women of the region are victims of physical violence and in some countries around 60% suffer emotional violence. The high level of oppression and femicide increases the fear and the wrath of women.

Women are fighting for their rights, against the corrupt government which has shame and blames women for the violence and murders. Cases, as #SIMEMATAN was the social movement, caused unfinished and blaming reported of the death of Lesvy Osorio on March 3, 2017, a student of the Universidad Autonoma de Mexico campus in Mexico City. After finding her body in a payphone with the phone cable in her neck. The authorities publicized that she dropped school, used drugs, and drank with her friends and that she committed suicide as a consequence of her unstable life, without having done any investigation of the case. This with a bare intention of digging deep into the matter and making this woman’s death one more of the history.

The family raged and hurt by the situation, disagreed, and decided to sue those in charge of their daughter’s case, with the expectation that a forensic investigation would be carried out and the truth of Lesvy’s death would be revealed. The lawyer of the family manifested that the security cameras record was altered and they can only see how Lesvy and her sentimental couple argued, Lesvy is hit by Jorge and pushed to a payphone booth, after this the camera is shut off with no reason, and at 2 am of the morning they saw Jorge walking out alone.  

2 years later investigations in forensic evidence deduced that it wasn’t a suicide, the cable didn’t have any knot as to allow himself to be hanged and the blood in her nails, as believed she used in self-defense, was from Jorge Luis Gonzales.

The younger’s family and millions of Mexican women manifested her nonconformity against the government and social networks that in past years criminalized Lesvy of her own death. #SIMEMATAN was the tag that millions of women use to criticize the authority’s prejudice of Lesvy’s life, manipulation of information, and injustice. Using it to express what the media and the government will say to blame women if they are killed. Some of the twitters mentioned #If they kill me will be for my way of dressing, live or be, for use public transportation or travel alone, to have relations or doesn’t be submissive to a relationship.

Featured images courtesy of a Knoll Soloff, Andalusia, Latin America, News, Women’s Issues, 10 May 2019.

Translation: “#iftheykillme Authorities your duty is to investigate not justify” by Student during a protest after the death of Lesvy Berlín Rivera Osorio.

Featured images courtesy of a Knoll Soloff, Andalusia, Latin America, News, Women’s Issues, 10 May 2019. #SIMEMATAN began a way of expression of millions of women on Twitter and in social media to say no more to the femicide in Mexico and Latin America. Journalists, artists, and famous manifested identified with the movements, and join them with their writings, music, and some twitters around the world. Some examples are:

On May 2, 2019, the titular of the head of the Mexico City Attorney General’s office (PGJDF), Ernestina Godoy, apologize to the family for “declaring her death as suicide with any proof that all”. Lesvy’s mother, Araceli Osorio, deserve it but it is not enough to heal all her pain and the millions of women have suffered, in the conference, she added that: “we aren’t going to keep only our eyes in you, we are going to keep all our senses to defend women’s life rights”.

De CrisCastilloVel – Trabajo propio, CC BY 3.0, Marcha en la -UNAM contra -feminicidio de -Lesby, Wikipedia, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=58623426

Millions of incidents like these occur daily in Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, and many countries around the world. Labels like

#SiMeMatan -#IfTheyKillMe

#NiUnaMas- #NotOneMore

#NiUnaMenos- #NotOneLess

#VivasNosQueremos- #AliveWeWantUs-

#ParenDeMatarnos — #StopKillingUs

#ElEstadoesResponsable — #TheGovtisResponsible

#ParoMundialdeMujeres — #WorldwideWomensStrike

#AbsoluciónaHigui — #AcquittaltoHigui

#LibertadMilagroSala — #FreeMilagroNow

Are the representation in social media, in banners, in songs, in paintings, in Graffiti, in streets, in news, in the life of many mothers, daughters, students, artists, singers, and dreamers.

Songs as “Cancion sin Miedo” —“SongWithoutFear” by Vivir Quintana ft. El Palomar, becoming a hymn for feminists and Expression of the pain and indignation of every woman violated, force, tortured, outrage, stripped of herself.

Every country has taken this song and shaped it with their women, with their fighters. This song has resounded in the hearts of many women and is a representative song against corrupt governments, and a call to speak up, and loud.

Another representative song is “Si Me Matan (If They Kill Me)” composed by Silvana Estrada, characterized by her “poetic style”, composing to love, freedom, sacred, life, justice, lose, and reunion. She wants to join every woman as a sister, and the fear is something that all of us overcome.

 She published “trying to calm the painful and enormous wound that gender violence leaves us every day in our country and the world”. She mentioned that writing this song took her a lot of time to achieve because she wanted to find a way to compose a healing song for herself and others.

In her music video in collaboration with PRIM Public Project, (a historic space where union, culture, and creativity are celebrated – about PPP, Proyecto Publico, https://www.proyectopublicoprim.com/aboutppp) she mentioned that “in Mexico, more than 10 women are murdered per day”, a very worry and the scary number of deaths, most of them are not clarified until the date.

At the beginning of the song, you can see an empty, and abandoned building with a sensation of peace and loneliness, Silvana is sitting in front of different women of different ages.

She began singing: If they kill me

If they kill me,

when they find me

may they always say

may they always say?

That I was a singer,

living dreams.

That, like everyone,

I grew up with fear.

And, even then,

I went out on my own

to see the stars above,

to go for a sunny stroll.

And, even then,

I went out on my own

to see the stars above

to love life, love.

If they kill me

if they find me,

cover me in flowers,

cover me with earth.

For I shall be a seed

for the ones who come behind,

we are no longer silent,

nothing holds us back.

And let the songs be heard

like a warm mantle

healing the wound

of what we’ve lost.

That a cry, like thunder,

grasps us out of the grief.

They’ve taken so much from us

They’ve taken away our fear.

May hope prevails,

just like the sky is blue.

Looking at each other’s faces.

Sister, I love you.

translation by Paulina Duran.

All the women presented cry, even when I listened to her, I feel the pain and fear, that every Latin American woman carries, is released. we have been afraid, a lot… but now that they have taken so much from us, we can no longer allow them to take away from us out of fear the most precious thing that we have: life.

Silvana got to show the vulnerability transformed now in union and strength. she praises the women’s dreams and lives. this is so joyful; every single woman that has felt fear now feels understood. Every single effort to go out alone, walk late to home, or be driven by a stranger is now worth and sing of the fortress.  Silvana gets her target of “soothe the painful and enormous wound” that femicide cause.


Original song- Silvana Estrada, Si Me Matan, YouTube,  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeU7rb-dBow.

Si Me Matan – Silvana Estrada (Lyrics Esp & Eng), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SirZ_TT5AzE, YouTube, 4 May 2021,

“Si me matan” de Silvana Estrada una revolucion con esperanza, https://rollingstone.com.mx/si-me-matan-silvana-estrada-entrevista/, ROLLING STONE MEXICO, 24 March 2021.

Instituto Interamericano De Derechos Humanos, http://www.iidh.ed.cr/multic/default.aspx?Portal=IIDH,

Meow, MAG, Por Olivia Meza de la Orta, https://meowmag.mx/el-canto-de-esperanza-y-fuerza-de-silvana-estrada/, 15 March 2021.

Knoll Soloff, Andalusia, If They Kill Me, Latin America, News, Women’s Issues, https://www.latinousa.org/2019/05/10/iftheykillme/, 10 May 2019.

#SiMeMatan, Twitter, https://twitter.com/search?q=%23SiMeMatan.

Feminicidio de Lesvy Berlin, Feminicidios en Mexico, Wikipedia, https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feminicidio_de_Lesvy_Berl%C3%ADn, last date edited 3 dic 2021, 01:35

PPP, Proyecto Publico, location General Prim 30, 32 & 34, Col. Juárez, C.P. 06600, CDMX, https://www.proyectopublicoprim.com/aboutppp.

About “Si Me Matan” By Silvana Estrada (If they kill me)

Liz Cortes

I decided to choose The music of Silvana Estrada a Mexican Spanish that sings against violence in Latin America and at the same time the superficial idea of love in the society that denigrates the respect for women and those who identify with it.

I believe I could find a lot of movements around the world, but this one connects with me, and millions of Latin American women, that have had to overcome trauma since childhood, social fear, violence, murder, stereotypes, and disrespect in all types of relations.

Is kind of difficult to completely introduce her idea because their songs are written in Spanish, but I am sure that even without knowing the language a good song could be appreciated.

“Si me Matan” is a song that speaks about the fear of women going out on the streets. This fear has been fed generation by generation, for grandmothers and mothers. They teach you that you shouldn’t get out showing any part of your skin, or something tight. You should walk far to the walls in case a man comes don’t corner you against it or the idea that a woman has to abide a disrespectful partner.

Without a doubt, I would like to share a little about what this fear is and how thousands of women and movements have risen up against it. In addition, shows, how Silvana Estrada creates a song of consolation and political call to the Mexican government on the incubation of illegal and violent acts against women.

who is Silvana Estrada?


her perspective about her music in society – https://www.elespanol.com/mujer/actualidad/20210706/silvana-estrada-enfermedad-siglo-liquido-cantar-desamor/594190932_0.html

Why does it stand?

by Liz Cortes

What is the real history behind each conferate monument? According to W. Fitzhugh Brundage the massive standed up confederate memorials during the Jim Crow laws carried out slavery ideas and the white supremassive. It became in our days an offense for black community and american culture, putting in trial they preservation.

It reveals that those monuments were just measures that whites use for keep in south states the slavery laws and keep with that its benefits. consequenly I believe that standing confederate statues up don’t contribute to the nowdays society, and they could be used just for historical reports as Brundage mentioned “they will serve as historical artifacts rather than civic monuments.”(1). This is history but is not our actual identity and it should’t have any power to affect today generation.

We can’t change the past but we can learn from it, not only knocking the statues down also changing out mentality and stereotypes, as the New Orleands mayor Mitch Landrieu mentioned “this is not just about statues this is about attitudes”. then all the effort made will not be worth.

In addition is important to understand that we cannot continue setting up monuments without think about present and future, its meaning in a century later, and what those ideas will be joining the community.

Brundage, W. Fitzhugh “I’ve studied the history of Confederate memorials. Here’s what to do about them.” 18 August 2017,


(1) Maynar, Phil. “The Battle Over Confederate Statues”. theguardia.com, 22 August 2017 https://www.theguardian.com/global/video/2017/aug/22/battle-over-confederate-statues-united-states-video-explainer

AfroFuturism in Society

by Liz Cortes

Speaking about entertainment is one of the most relevant topics that you can use to start a conversation, is part of the culture to connect with books, movies, short films, music, or artist. Thus I can’t imagine myself being restricted to express my own joy about art.

One of my favorite movies is Hidden Figures which recognizes the work of mathematics black women who lead important papers in the development of NASA projects to send a spaceship to space. this movie resalted the capacities and opportunities of women in science and society, making me feel that is possible for me as a woman and science fan be part of the future of the world. I love this movie, I cried watching it and get so excited seeing how strong were those women in front of the racism, society, and stereotypes in the 60s. Besides, that was performed for three amazing women Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, and Janelle Monae. They are just a piece of all the potential of the Afro-Americans in movies and as characters that encourage the black women to be part of the change.

When I read “The Case For Black Joy”[1] Hadiya Roderique, I understood her joy as I enjoy movies too, there is no right to undervalue the happiness of someone to connect with art, and more when it talks about your culture and shows a strong black community different to the painful histories that Afro-Americans had to afront in the past. I respect this joy, is very valuable and is my joy too, one of my friends has a big poster of Black Panther in his living room and a funko in his car. I can imagine that he identified with this movie as Hadiya did.

There is a lot of potentials, like books, comics, short films, and movies that have made real the dreams of many people, beginning to change not only our screens programs also the community ideas in toys, media, and clothes. All of this makes a fair and equal world for all cultures.

Afrofuturism is a challenge and a call for not only the Black community to be part of the entertainment industry as well for all the communities to appreciate it and be part of it, recognizing the pride of being Black and being different.

[1] Roderique, Hadiya. “The Case for Black Joy.” Fashion Magazine. 1 February 2019. https://fashionmagazine.com/flare/the-case-for-black-joy/

My American Dream and My Disappointment with Language (Liz Cortes)

I couldn’t start talking about language without telling first who I am, and that’s the reason is so difficult to explain which are my languages. Speak about it, is put my business in the street as James Baldwin explained in “If black English isn’t a language, then tell me, what is?”, and when that happens is impossible not to feel unsecured of others’ opinion. In addition is more difficult when you must speak in other’s languages.

To define my language and identity I will begin by saying that I am from Colombia, Bogota, I am 19 years old, and I grow up with my mother’s family (my mom, aunt, grandparents, and a cat). Based on this you can assume that my first language is Spanish and how special it is for me.

Dipping a little bit more in my language, something that catches my attention is the way that we spoke with our loved ones.  “Mi niña”(my girl)- would say my mother, “mi chiquitina”(my little girl)- my boyfriend, “tesorito”(my little treasure)- my grandma, “cucu”(cucu)- my aunt and for my cat I would use “chonchito” (chubby )to call him. Those are some nicknames that we use, another word that I used a lot of is “cosita” (little thing) to name everything that I think is cute. This language makes me feel so comfortable and understood, but now I feel sad, because I am no longer with my family, and I have just moved to North America looking to continue my education and learn a new language. This new language, English, challenge me to communicate with other words and intentions, leaving back my accent and my own expressions. Getting adapted is being so difficult and more when Covid-19 circumstances make it hard to socialize and practice this new language.

The difficulties of learning a new language make you wonder about your identity and see how others classify you as “Hispanic” (a world that I never thought I will use to identify myself), and it gets worst when the stereotype of Hispanic is the first impression that people have from you. A lot of questions come to my mind: why I couldn’t get the same opportunities with my language? Why I must be different to make my dreams come true, how your own dreams could become true without your loved ones? Has any sense been here? I lose my time, my energy, and my life wondering all of this until I just resigned to wake up every day as one more day away from home.

I have been experiencing homesickness, willing to come back home and just be with my family again, but at the same time willing to know more about this country, learn more from new experiences, and see the world from another perspective. It pushes me to keep trying until English became part of my identity, as a lot of people must do as well.

Recently I heard a beautiful short history from National Geography about Naghmeh Farzaneh’s immigration and she mentioned her mother’s words when she worked in her garden “when you move a plant from one place to another you have to give it some time before to grow new leaves” to explain how long takes for a person accustomed to other ground, another language and food.

I feel I must give some time to myself to accommodate this new world and love the language and person that I am becoming to be.  

Baldwin, James. “If Black English Isn’t a Language, Then Tell Me, What Is?”

       The York Times. 29 July 1979,


Youtube, uploaded by National Geographic, 14 October 2017,