Final Exam Worksheets

Hi Folks!

These worksheets, made by the Composition Committee, are a REALLY GOOD IDEA. I’m not collecting them as homework, but smart students will do them anyway — or at least open them up and think about them real hard 😉

These are a good way to organize your thinking about the important ideas in the readings. And to sneakily peer into the brains of the Comp Committee, which sounds creepy and gross AND is a good way to figure out what questions they are likely to ask.

How Unit 3 Works

The last big assignment before the final exam is designed to be practice for the exam. Pretty neat, huh? Here’s how it works:

Just as with the final exam, you will read and study two essays. To make our all our lives a little easier, we are using two essays you already know well: James Baldwin’s “If Black English Isn’t A Language, Then Tell Me, What Is?” and Gloria Anzaldua’s “How To Tame A Wild Tongue.”

Here are those links:

You read these. Again, yes. You TAKE NOTES. You MARK THE MOST IMPORTANT LINES.

On SUNDAY 11/28 at 12:01 am, the Unit 3 assignment will go live on Blackboard. It will be open until TUESDAY 11/30 at 11:59 pm.

During that time, you will go to Blackboard and open it. There will be three questions. You will choose ONE to answer in the form of an essay of approximately 500 words — think 5 paragraphs.

The thesis of your essay will be YOUR answer to the question, plus three facets you will explore further in order to make your point. Each of your three body paragraphs will explore one of those facets. And then you will have a conclusion that applies your ideas in a different way. Watch the video I’ll send later on this topic.

Here’s the thing: you HAVE TO QUOTE FROM BALDWIN AND ANZALDUA. Yes, AND. BOTH OF THEM. That’s a major requirement of the final exam and therefore of Unit 3. When you quote Anzaldua, you will use parenthetical citation to show the page number.

That’s the deal. I’ll grade it using the final exam rubric, so you get a sense of how that works.


THE END IS NEAR. The end of the *semester.* Don’t freak out.

That said, there’s some things we need to plow through. Here’s how we are going to make it work:

All deadlines listed are 11:59 pm

FRIDAY 11/26 — Unit 2 Draft submitted via Blackboard

SUNDAY 11/28 – TUESDAY 11/30 Unit 3 live on Blackboard


11/29 Class = Final prep,

12/6 Class = Final prep, Unit 2 celebration


Unit 2 Idea Bucket

Hi folks! Here is that list of ideas we brainstormed yesterday. If you weren’t in class, please add your ideas in the comments.


 Black Lives Matter movement

  • Diversity in Film, Films like Black Panther showing Black people in bigger roles.
  • Black Lives Matter Movement, Showing support for equality.

Street Art

Street stickers


  • Tatyana Fazlalizadeh “Stop Telling Women to Smile”
  • Keith Haring “crack is wack”

Textile Arts

  • Hawaiian Flag Quilts-

Anti slavery sewing circles: Women decorated fabrics with abolitionist symbols to combat slavery

  • AIDS Memorial, honoring the lives lost due to AIDS.
  • AIDS Awareness, educating and spreading information about AIDS.


  • music of the civil rights movement

-Nat King Cole

-Sam Cooke

-Stevie wonder ( Happy Birthday to Ya is for Martin Luther King jr to make help make his birthday a national holiday)

– Aretha Franklin

Sound Track for a Revolution- 2009 documentary 

“Bill Guttentag’s documentary examines the importance of music during the U.S. civil rights movement that took place during the 1950s and ’60s. The various sit-ins and public demonstrations of the era incorporated protest songs, folk tunes and spirituals, music that was a crucial part of the movement…”

Riot Grrrl movement: A punk movement that encouraged women and girls alike to produce music to spread anti-racist and anti-sexist messages

Other ideas

Propaganda billboards

Confederate Statues

Barbara Kruger

Tatiana Fazlalizadeh

Hugh masekela

Miriam Makeba

Act UP (die-ins, etc)

Art of the Black Power Movement – movement that believes in racial pride.

– Chilean Arpilleras

– Pollution “Standing Rock”

– Quilts spread awareness for change

Sewing A Revolution

This week, I’m asking you to look at three examples of textile arts used as tools for social change. I hope you get inspired! Just like last week, choose one to focus on and MAKE A POST of at least 3 paragraphs discussing an interesting idea related to that topic.

NAMES Project (AIDS Quilt)

Please review these resources on the NAMES Project, better known as the AIDS quilt.  

READ this website and WATCH the  three videos on it.  (Especially the first and second!  I really like the second one.)

READ Cleve Jones writing about the history of the quilt: 

Spend at least 10 minutes exploring the quilt HERE:

AIDS quilt on the National Mall

Social Justice Sewing Academy

READ the “About” page of the Social Justice Sewing Academy and WATCH the video on that page.

READ the “Inspiration” page of this quilt block pattern, designed by SJSA members Sara Trail and Melinda Newton, and chosen as the National Quilt Museum’s “Block of the Month” for January 2020.  LOOK at the pattern itself, on page 4.

READ this article on the controversy that resulted: 

quilt square with the word "injustice," a pencil erasing the "in"

Chilean Arpilleras

WATCH this video on the arpilleras of the time of Pinochet’s regime in Chile (don’t worry — the video gives you some historical background) 

READ this article on the contemporary use of embroidery as protest art in Chile today:

EXPLORE this Instagram collection of those embroideries:

huge hanging quilt of embroidered eyes

Street Art and Social Change

First, a Civil War explainer, if you never really studied this stuff or it’s been a minute:

Read and explore these resources on Confederate Monuments

Watch this video:

Read this (note that it is from 2017):

Read this article AND take time to explore the timeline included in its images:

Explore this photo project of plinths after statues have been removed:

This summer, the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, was finally allowed to remove the statues of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson that became the flashpoint for the “Unite The Right” rally that brought Nazis to town. As it happened, the statues were taken down while I was on a train headed there to visit a friend. Here are two pictures I took of what was once known as Jackson Park, now known as Court Square Park. The first, taken in 2017, shows the statue shrouded. The second, taken this summer, shows its empty plinth.

How Long ’til Black Future Month? Afrofuturism in Literature

“When I began writing science fiction, when I began reading, heck, I wasn’t in any of this stuff I read. I wrote myself in.”

— Octavia Butler

Boy, it’s hard to choose. But while it’s tempting to make you read everything Octavia Butler wrote, instead I will point you to two living writers.

N.K. Jemisin — like Natalie Diaz — is a winner of the MacArthur Foundation’s “Genius Grant.” (The title of this post is hers, for a book of short stories.) She is best known for a sci-fi trilogy called the Broken Earth series. It’s good! But I won’t make you read it. Instead, please watch this video the MacArthur Foundation made about her and this video of a famous speech she made at an award ceremony (the Hugos) about representation:

If you are going to write your response this week on literature, please also read this New Yorker profile of Jemisin.

Another obvious heir to Octavia Butler is Nnedi Okorafor. You can read an excerpt from her (super amazing) Binti trilogy here: