About “Si Me Matan” By Silvana Estrada (If they kill me)

Liz Cortes

I decided to choose The music of Silvana Estrada a Mexican Spanish that sings against violence in Latin America and at the same time the superficial idea of love in the society that denigrates the respect for women and those who identify with it.

I believe I could find a lot of movements around the world, but this one connects with me, and millions of Latin American women, that have had to overcome trauma since childhood, social fear, violence, murder, stereotypes, and disrespect in all types of relations.

Is kind of difficult to completely introduce her idea because their songs are written in Spanish, but I am sure that even without knowing the language a good song could be appreciated.

“Si me Matan” is a song that speaks about the fear of women going out on the streets. This fear has been fed generation by generation, for grandmothers and mothers. They teach you that you shouldn’t get out showing any part of your skin, or something tight. You should walk far to the walls in case a man comes don’t corner you against it or the idea that a woman has to abide a disrespectful partner.

Without a doubt, I would like to share a little about what this fear is and how thousands of women and movements have risen up against it. In addition, shows, how Silvana Estrada creates a song of consolation and political call to the Mexican government on the incubation of illegal and violent acts against women.

who is Silvana Estrada?


her perspective about her music in society – https://www.elespanol.com/mujer/actualidad/20210706/silvana-estrada-enfermedad-siglo-liquido-cantar-desamor/594190932_0.html

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