By Ryan Smith
Looking back on these past two years I remember seeing people tearing down these statues or what some would call “monuments”. There was a lot of uproar about it when these statues would get ripped down because people thought they were a part of American history and somehow be celebrated. While you cannot argue that these statues are yes a part of The United States of Americas history, that doesn’t mean we need to have them up on display and celebrate them.
People nowadays are becoming more aware of the disgusting and horrific things these people have done and been made out to be statues. Theres no reason we need to have these Confederate leaders on display after the treacherous things they’ve done in the past to fellow human beings. This country has a deep history and rooted in so much racism so back then when the statues were put up people didn’t have a way to express their voices as much as they do now. With social media and more outlets for people to show their opinions on these topics I think it really opens a lot of peoples eyes and shows them why what’s being done is done.
I think these people should be learned about in school still, because people need to know how this country came to be and what truly happened back then. But to have their statues and monuments up is way over the line and they all need to be taken down immediately. It’s almost as if the people are taking back what’s right and standing up for themselves which is a very beautiful thing.