Mamoudou Conde
Language Essay
My first initial thought about writing this essay was like “mhmm this should sort of be easy” but now that I think about the language I speak with my family and even the code language I speak with my closest friends and now that I really think about it this essay is going to more complex than I actually thought because the way I use certain terms for my parents or my family members to understand me is actually impressive.The way me and my friends can understand each other off of the words we use that aren’t even in the English dictionary is equally as impressive so this assignment not only about me just talking about how I use the certain languages I speak this assignment also open my eyes to how spectacular and impressive it actually is that I’m even able to talk to my parents and friends the way I do and we completely understand each other.
The first language I wanna touch on is the one I speak with my family and the name of that language is called Mandinka.Mandinka is a language that is originated from northern Guinea-Bissau which is in Africa and many people know the language also being called Mandingo.I feel like me being able to speak with my parents, siblings, and the rest of my family in the Mandingo language is extremely unique in a way because I don’t think my bond would as strong as it is if I didn’t.I am able to have full conversations with my mother without saying any words in English and it is really special to me because she stresses to a lot of times how important it is to keep this language alive and make sure I pass it on to my kids when I get older.Now I see why author Natalie Diaz in the article “Losing Farther,Losing Faster” was really concerned about her people their language because it’s not only about her, it is about the ones who was born into another country and don’t know how to speak English and it is also about the history behind it for all the people who planned on teaching their kids how to speak it so they can gain some knowledge.The Mandinka language also gives me bragging rights with my cousins because they aren’t as fluent and some of them don’t speak it at all so when we all are at family functions they aren’t really as active in the conversations like the way I know they would want to be.I really appreciate the fact that my parents actually let me grow into the language because it is so useful in the real world because when I’m at work I am able too speak to some customers that don’t speak English strongly and I like speaking to my family in different venues in the language which means a lot to me and I honestly wouldn’t trade my ability to speak this language for anything.
I find the bond in being able to speak the language with my family members in this language is so strong and unique.Everyday when me and my friends are on the game or outside having fun and one of my parents call and i speak to them my friends seem so interesting and intrigued by the language that they begin to ask me what this and that mean or take guesses of what I may be saying to my parents it is the most hilarious thing ever hearing them try to pronounce a word and figure out what i’m saying and I could tell they really want to understand and get into the language.Even when im at work and people hear my name or see the chain I wear on they ask if I could speak mandinka and they are so fascinated by the fact that I can because not a lot of people are capable of doing it.Speaking this form of language is truly a blessing and I hope to help past it on the next generation.
Language is a special especially the way you use is what makes it the most unique.The same way I brought it up in the second paragraph about how in the article “Losing Farther,Losing Faster’’ by Natalie Diaz Language means more to us then we actually thinks it does it’s literally our everything and without it how would be able to understand each other and it’s really the beauty of life if you ask me it’s kind of like a challenge.If I were to go to France and I don’t know how to speak any French I would be excited to be able to learn the people there culture and the way they communicate with each other.I wouldn’t want to take their language away from them I would want to make myself a more educated person and learn their ways and I could honestly say I completely argue with Ms.Diaz because its more they just a language it’s a lifestyle.
To conclude this essay I would like to say learned a lot just free writing about language I never looked so deep into how I communicate with others and how I talk with my family it makes me not want to ever take it for granted.It actually makes me more excited talking to them knowing I even have the ability that most people on this planet don’t have.Like I mentioned in the beginning I thought this easy was less complex then it actually was it made me think and really dig deep into the topic and I’m happy that was able to write a piece like this and able to display it to you.
Professor Kahler
September 29, 2021