The Impact of Black Panther

The term afrofuturism is something ive never heard before but after reading about it, its something that I’ve seen in movies, tv shows and music but didn’t know really what it was. Afrofuturism is a movement in literature, music, art, etc., featuring futuristic or science fiction themes which incorporate elements of black history and culture. Out of these 3 amazing topics, one that I can relate to the most is Black Panther and what it really stands for. Yes, it is an incredible Marvel Superhero movie, but it’s more than just that. Black Panther is a movie which has started a movement and has brought a voice for the African American Community. The movie features an all African American cast, in their own hidden world called Wakanda that has similar afican like characteristics. Many other action movies in the past has had just the Main Character be African Amercian but this time it was more than that. It was there cultar, how they speak, how they dress, and much more.

Something that I found interesting that I didn’t know was in the Conversation article by Clare Corbould says “Vibranium represents the resources of the 54 countries of Africa, whose extraction has not, on the whole, benefited Africans. It is mahogany, ivory, rubber, diamonds, salt, gold, copper, and uranium.” I had no clue that there was a hidden meaning to Vibranium. I just thought it was simply just a powerful and nearly indestructible alloy that was used in Captin Americans shield. Now knowing that I can start to put the pieces together on why Wakanda is a hidden land. Its hidden to protect and keep there people and there resources safe.

Another detail that Corbould metions is that “Westerners’ ideas about Africa are steeped in myth. The United States, wrote German philosopher Georg Hegel in 1830, was “the land of the future”. Africa, by contrast, was “the land of childhood” where history was meaningless. European powers dubbed it the “Dark Continent”, as if its people could never make progress.” The fact that Wakanda is separated because it is free of free of European colonisation just blows my mind. I cant belive that it took me so long to see that. Now knowing the real meaning behind the movie and what it actual stands for I understand why this movie is a movement in itself and why its paving the way for African Amercian culture.

I wanted to dig into Afrofuturism some more, and this is one of the videos that I found that I thought was really interesting

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