I made this video to explain the Terms & Ideas assignment to a previous semester’s class (which is why I keep saying “discussion forum” instead of “blog post.”) I’d like to work with you this semester to develop a more collaborative version of this assignment, for example building a glossary and guide to each reading together, creating one document that is useful to the whole class. And we will do that! This week, you will do a more traditionally version of the assignment, but you will submit your work as comments on the posts for the two essays you are reading, so that the group as a whole benefits from your work. If you are doing this assignment later in the week, take a look at what your classmates have already posted! Ask what you can do to add to the project — in other words, rather than defining a word that has already been defined, choose a different one.
Guidelines for this kind of response:
Guidelines for this kind of response:
PS, you can read the bell hooks essay I mentioned here.
After you read this essay, post a reply using the “terms and ideas” model. Watch the Terms and Ideas” video and read more about that model here.
A reminder on the form:
- Read the article (or essay or poem) first. Take note of things you need to look up. Look them up. Check that you are using a definition that makes sense.
- Mark sections of the text that introduce interesting ideas. This is much easier to do if you are reading on paper! If you are reading on-screen, write notes in a notebook. I know, it’s easier not to, but you will really, really wish you had done this when it is time to write a paper on this topic. Plus it makes you smarter.
- In you reply, list at least 3 terms you looked up. This can mean just looking a word up in the dictionary — such as “tabernacle,” in the James Baldwin — or looking up a broader concept — such as “Congo Square” in wikipedia or similar. (Yes, wikipedia is fine for this purpose.)
- PROVIDE A SOURCE FOR YOUR DEFINITION. If you copy it word for word — which is fine for this assignment — PUT IT IN QUOTATION MARKS. You don’t need to use full MLA format for this assignment, though you are welcome to. A URL in parentheses or a link is fine. But get in the habit of giving credit to your sources.
- Next, write 1-3 paragraphs about an idea in the text you think is worth further examination.
- After making your reply, return to the post and comment on 2-3 of your classmates’ replies. You may learn something! There are a lot of smart people around here.
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