Note: Students, I said in class Thursday that I was going to change this to a different question, but the question I was going to substitute is actually next week’s discussion board question. So, please just go through some of the stophes and antistrophes sung by the Chorus and try […]
Week 02 Discussion
In “Oedipus the King” line 181-188 “What is the sweet spoken word of God from the shrine of Pytho……………..immortal voice, child of golden Hope.” represents the offering of prayer to the Gods in fear of the fate of Thebes and it’s people. In the first line the chorus represents it’s […]
In Oedipus the King, lines 205 to 210 talk about how the lives of young children are taken by this mysterious disease. As their bodies are rotting exposed, the disease further spreads to in the city.” Those children that are born lie dead on the naked earth unpitied spreading contagion […]
Lines 211-215 “There is no clash of brazen shields … deny the stranger safe anchorage”, is saying that there is no fight with one another, the fight is with Ares, a god of war. Here, the people of the city are blaming Ares for the “curse” that is currently upon […]
Lines 195 through 203 describe the plague and how it is affecting the citizens of Thebes. These lines use severe imagery to fully describe how bad the plague is in Thebes. “Our sorrows defy number,” meaning that they feel like their problems are infinite. “All the ship’s timbers are rotten,” […]
The chorus between line 181 and line 188 generally sings about asking for help from a higher being or “god”, it asks for guidance from higher powers, it at a point asks for forgiveness and for the power to deem justice onto him as it may please (in line 187) […]
Hi guys, While reading and trying to find a part of the chorus that would make me feel any sort of emotional response or that I would feel a connection with. I realized that most of them do have what I was looking for. To pick one, line 180, right […]
The Chorus is a collective voice of the citizens of Thebes experiencing great terror and despair. The Chorus provides insights about who should guide the city to salvation as it believes leadership should come from the gods. In lines 300 to 302, the speaker addresses their liege, or ruler, and […]