The vignette I liked the most was “A Rice Sandwich”. It is a simple little story in which the main character voices her desire to eat at the school canteen. She managed to convince her mom and come up with a plan. When she finally gets to eat at the […]
To “complete” what the poet has begun means to interpret what the poem is trying to say. One example from this week’s poems would be “My Last Dutchess.” It is a monologue written from the perspective of one character, however through interpreting the poem, it is possible to see so […]
Lines 195 through 203 describe the plague and how it is affecting the citizens of Thebes. These lines use severe imagery to fully describe how bad the plague is in Thebes. “Our sorrows defy number,” meaning that they feel like their problems are infinite. “All the ship’s timbers are rotten,” […]
I don’t feel like Araby is a love story. Usually, in love stories, the main characters confess their love for each other, get together, and fall in love. However, in Araby, none of that happens. Instead, there seems to be one-sided love from a boy, to a girl he barely […]