From my understanding I say that Tiresias is the revelation for the king and his wife(mother) the reasons Is because even though his blind he is trying to find the truth of the king and the mother story on the king motives to be king. Tiresias shows how bad actions […]
Monthly Archives: August 2022
In the poem “My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning, which was more like a poem play. Although the language was a little hard to understand the way it was written was meant to reveal how the speaker’s personality and way of thinking was. The Duke was perceived as someone who […]
In “Oedipus the King” line 181-188 “What is the sweet spoken word of God from the shrine of Pytho……………..immortal voice, child of golden Hope.” represents the offering of prayer to the Gods in fear of the fate of Thebes and it’s people. In the first line the chorus represents it’s […]
From reading Oedipus the king the clearest timeless human experience I can find is the fear of incest. Jacosta says much the same in the play when, trying to soothe Oedipus, she tells him that many a man has dreamed of killing his father and marrying his mother. As such […]
Timeless human experiences and behaviors that I find in Oedipus the king is the need to know everything. Oedipus throughout the story has a need to know the things that the people are trying to hide him from. As king Oedipus wanted to avoid what was fated from him from […]
Welcome to Week 2 of our online course. This week will be exploring one of the great tragedies of Western literature, Oedipus the King. I look forward to reading your comments in the discussion board as we examine the complex character of the doomed king and ponder timeless questions about […]