In the poem “My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning, which was more like a poem play. Although the language was a little hard to understand the way it was written was meant to reveal how the speaker’s personality and way of thinking was. The Duke was perceived as someone who knows how to speak well and deliver his thoughts out well while doing it indirectly. For example her states “how shall I say” in different ways repeatedly while also saying “I choose never to stoop” meaning that he would not be going into detail while also stating how he perceived the late duchess while how he saw himself.
The poem also showed how he was someone who has a collection. The painting of the late duchess was placed in the same place in which he had art painting and other things. This shows his perspective on the late duchess. The speaker in the poem says “Though his fair daughter’s self, as I avowed At starting, is my object.” He speaks of the count’s daughter as an object that is to be obtained. What gives him away is the way he speaks of his preferred object, in which he says “Notice Neptune, though, Taming a sea-horse, thought a rarity” he points out specifically the art and the words he used to describe the action that was being done.
With all the actions that were written the author was able to make the Duke be perceived as, controlling, meticulous and two faced while making the poem seem like a play.