The short story “Araby” by James Joyce is about a young boy living in Dublin, Ireland during the early 20th century whose obsession with a girl brings hope to his otherwise dull life, until he comes to terms with his disillusionment. Throughout the story, the author utilizes the juxtaposition of light and darkness, both physically and metaphorically. With references to darkness, Joyce effectively conveys the bleakness of the setting and the boy’s emotions regarding most aspects of his life — except when it comes to Mangan’s sister, who is the object of the boy’s obsession, and the sole source of light. With all-consuming infatuation, the boy watches the girl and stalks her in hope that he will catch her attention. Eventually, the boy succeeds, and in a wishful attempt to further their interactions, he plans to visit a bazaar to find a gift for her. As the boy waits to go to the bazaar, hours pass and the light begins to dim. When he finally makes it to the bazaar, the boy has a discouraging experience with a seller. Dispirited, the boy returns to darkness, recognizing his disillusionment.