Prompt: “Araby” by James Joyce is not a love story. What is “Araby” really about?
To submit your post, follow the steps below.
1. Scroll up to the black strip at the top of the screen and click the black “plus” sign inside the white circle. It is located to the right of the course title.
2. In the box that reads “Add title,” type in a title that includes your first name, last name, and the words “Discussion 1” (example: John Hart Discussion 1).
3. Type your response in the text box. Remember that your first post must be at least 150 words in order to receive full credit.
4. Navigate to the right side of the screen and choose the Post Category “Week 1 Discussion.” DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING UNDER THE BOX THAT READS “CATEGORY STICK.” LEAVE THAT AS IT IS. (It will read “Select Category.”)
5. Publish the post by clicking the blue button on the right.
6. This week you do not have to respond to another student due to the shortness of the week.
One thought on “Week 01 Discussion Instructions”
“Araby” by James Joyce narrates the story of an unnamed boy. As the story unfolds, the boy narrates about Dublin street and his surroundings. The story’s main event takes place at Araby where the unnamed boy goes through an immense emotional trauma for not being able to meet his desire. Though it might look like a love story, but its actually centered around the unnamed boy phasing from the colorful adolescence to the black and white adulthood.