I choose Sonnet Number 130, “My Mistress’s Eyes Are Nothing like the Sun” by William Shakespeare, because the speaker’s beloved is compared to a variety of other beauties in this sonnet, but never in the lover’s favor. Her eyes are “nothing like the sun,” her lips are less red than […]
The line I chose was from Teiresias lines 360-361 “Yes, but I see that even your own words. miss the mark; therefore, I must fear for mine.” As a prophet with visions of the future, Teiresias believes that fate is predetermined, telling Oedipus that “it will come what will.” Teiresias […]
In his book “Salvation,” Hughes shows how his experience differed from the typical salvation experience. Although he was saved from sin, he was not truly saved. This account harmed his development by trying to explain what happened to him to his friends and family. He did not know that there was […]
In his book “Salvation,” Hughes shows how his experience differed from the typical salvation experience. Although he was saved from sin, he was not truly saved. This account harmed his development by trying to explain what happened to him to his friends and family. He did not know that there was […]
Hello, my name is Serena Sinclair; my major is Science for Health Professions. I’m studying towards being a Physical therapist. I have lived in new york for almost nine years, and I migrated from Jamaica. I hope to graduate by fall 2022 and further my physical therapist journey. I am […]
Hello, my name is Serena Sinclair; my major is Science for Health Professions. I’m studying towards being a Physical therapist. I have lived in new york for almost nine years, and I migrated from Jamaica. I hope to graduate by fall 2022 and further my physical therapist journey. I am […]