I chose line 66 to 76 by Oedipus: OEDIPUS: “I pity you, children. You have come full of longing, but I have known the story before you told It only too well. I know you are all sick, yet there is not one of you, sick though you are, that […]
Monthly Archives: January 2022
I choose Sonnet Number 130, “My Mistress’s Eyes Are Nothing like the Sun” by William Shakespeare, because the speaker’s beloved is compared to a variety of other beauties in this sonnet, but never in the lover’s favor. Her eyes are “nothing like the sun,” her lips are less red than […]
“Truly Zeus and Apollo are wise and inhuman things all-knowing; 580, but amongst men, there is no distinct judgment, between the prophet and me—which of us is right. One man may pass another in wisdom, but I would never agree 585 with those that find fault with the king till […]
I chose to look at “My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun” This sonnet is different from the typical sonnet. Instead of focusing on the positive traits of the woman. However, Shakespeare chooses to focus on the exact opposite of that. Shakespeare focuses on the woman’s flaws of the […]
Hi everyone, The passage I chose to discuss is a lengthy but poetically written dialogue by Oedipus. The line starts from 445 to 470. “Wealth, sovereignty and skill outmatching skill for the contrivance of an envied life. Great store of jealousy fill your treasury chests, if my friend Creon, friend […]
The astonishment in the children’s faces when they tour the toy shop in the company of Miss Moore works to show that they are from a poorer background. When going through the store reciting the exorbitant toy prices, they wonder if people could spend that much on mere decorations. In […]
The Lines I would like to discuss are 1009-1013: “if a man walks in with haughtiness of hand or word and gives no heed to justice and the shrines of Gods despises-may an evil doom smite him for his ill-starred pride of heart!” This line is stating that if a […]
On Edna Millay’s “What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why”, in a style of Italian sonnet: And in my heart there stirs a quiet pain For unremembered lads that not again Will turn to me at midnight with a cry. (Line 6-8) I only know that summer […]
The line I chose was from Teiresias lines 360-361 “Yes, but I see that even your own words. miss the mark; therefore, I must fear for mine.” As a prophet with visions of the future, Teiresias believes that fate is predetermined, telling Oedipus that “it will come what will.” Teiresias […]
“The lies I could tell, when I was growing up light-bright, near-white, high-yellow, red-boned in a black place, were just white lies”. This poem white lies uses a sarcastic tone when speaking on lies basically telling the readers that they lied a lot growing up and they clearly told different […]