Week 3 Discussion- Diana Quispe

I chose the poem from Shakespeare “shall i compare thee to a summers day”.  In the first line “shall i compare thee to a summer day” sounds exactly like it sounds like . But in the second line “thou are more lovely and more temperate it seems to me that he answered his own question and said no because he pictures the person he’s talking about more than that . In the whole poem he’s basically talking about her beauty and how it will never fade , especially in the line “nor shall death brag thou wanders in his shade, when in eternal lines to time thou grows’t “From the article how to read a poem I used the method “talking back to a poem” I asked the few general questions which led me to understand the poem more clearly.  It also mentions in the article “the goal of careful reading is to often take up a question meaning, And line by line it was making it more clearer. 

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