Marisol Cruz Varela Discussion 3

I chose to write about “How I Love Thee” by Elizabeth Barret Browning. In this love poem of “How I Love Thee”, Browning goes into every depth to show how much she loves thee. She starts off her poem by expressing that there are multiple ways in which she loves thee. Throughout the poem, readers see that Browning not only loves thee physically but spiritually as she states, “My soul can reach when feeling out of sight For the ends of being and ideal grace”. Browning uses a lot of figurative languages which results in imagery and readers get a sense of a sweet rhythm as they continue to read this poem. This poem was made for Browning’s husband but readers can feel the emotions she felt towards him in this poem. At the end of this love poem, Browning reveals that her love goes past her time of death, and hopes for it to be everlasting. The article “How to Read a Poem”, suggests that readers should “Talk Back to a Poem” meaning asking questions related to the poem. I used this as a template to be able to complete this poem and not only find the meaning but to find others things such as the audience and tone the author was trying to fulfill.

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